Results of the 2022 Toki Pona census

Go here for a list of pointers to resources mentioned in the census.
How much has the Toki Pona community changed since April 2021? Is it still growing exponentially? Are Ku suli words known or used? Find about this and much more in the results to the second Toki Pona census, version 2022.
August 27, 2022. After 1 year and 4 months since the first census, this second one is released. After 6 weeks, about the same time as for the previous census, it was closed with almost 2000 responses. Twice as many!
Hi, I’m jan Tamalu and I have coordinated this project, analyzed the data and made this website. This year we made some extra efforts to reach to people outside of the big communities. We did this by adding more translations to the form and by having a second form on a platform that could be used from mainland China. Some questions are new, like the one about the knowledge and usage of non-pu words. Some other questions changed, like the one about the languages that you speak, for which this time we asked about the level as well.
Thank you to everyone that contributed to this project. o lukin pona a!
What to know before jumping to the results:
For every question there are two graphs. The first one contains results from all the responses. The second one contains the information from the people that responded using Toki Pona only. Note that the first graph includes the Toki Pona respondents too.
Some questions allowed to select multiple answers. Such questions have “(MA)” in its title. Take into account that, for those questions, the percentages of the bars add up to more than 100%.
All questions were optional, but the first one. Each graph tells the number of respondents for each question.
Free-text answers have been randomly shuffled, but they are grouped by language, following the order of the “toki seme?” question.
In small screens some labels could be hidden or incomplete. You can tap/click on the graphs to reveal the missing info.
Language used
Most people used the English version of the form. Almost 14% of people used the Toki Pona version, which is greater than last time’s 10.8%.
Btw, read this post if you are interested in a board game about language inspired by Toki Pona.
Sections filled
One could leave the census after any section. Most people filled everything, as you can see below.
Toki Pona ability
Do you consider you know Toki Pona?
Anyone with any level of Toki Pona could respond the census, even if they had only just heard about Toki Pona, or if they were learning it. One quarter of people do not consider they know Toki Pona, which is much lower than the one third of last time. Of course, everyone among the Toki Pona respondents considers they know Toki Pona. Except for… 1 person?!?
Did you answer the 2021 Toki Pona census?
This is the first surprise. We asked people if they had filled the census that happened 1.5 years before this one. Most people had not filled it, which could indicate that there is a somewhat big turnover in the online communities. Take into account that the number of people that responded to this census is about 2 times as many as last time, so even if everyone filled the census again, this 16.9% could not be bigger than about 50%. Among the Toki Pona respondents, the people that had filled the census last time was 32.4% and this percentage could not be bigger than 41% even if everyone that responded last year using Toki Pona did it again and in Toki Pona. So the difference with respect to the actual value of 32.4% is not huge. Among this group, it could just be that people that had already filled the census 1.5 years ago did not feel like filling it again, or that a small percentage was not so much active during the period the census was running.
However, for the global group, it seems like there is a relatively large turnover of people.
Toki Pona level
Similarly to last time, the Toki Pona level of respondents is diverse, a normal distribution can be spotted in the global group, and as expected, it is biased towards a greater level for people that responded using the Toki Pona version.
Tap on the labels on small screens to see them fully.
How often is Toki Pona used?
The frequency of use also varies a lot. Almost 47% of people use Toki Pona at least once a week and this is about 64% for the Toki Pona group.
Toki Pona skills
People are generally confident about their grammar skills. At the same time, listening is considered the most challenging task, followed by conversing. Interestingly, the reported level has increased a bit since last time.
Why do people learn Toki Pona?
The main reason for learning Toki Pona was to have fun by learning it and using it, by a huge margin. At the end of the day, Toki Pona is an artlang. musi mute li kama tan toki pona. Below, you can also see the free answers given for this question.
- Toki Pona music got recommended to me on YT and I liked it
- A friend was learning it and got me into it
- My friends were learning it and I didn't want to be left out
- it's nifty :3
- i wanted to be able to speak a conlang, and id known about toki pona for years (even was annoyed at it when i was 8 cos i made a minimalist conlang then, without hearing about tp lmao) and i had heard that it was meant to be very easy!
- jan misali and the anthony mccarthy thread
- I love languages
- I wanted to test my ability to learn
- friends were learning it
- it feels very accessible and the origins of it play a part in how comfortable it makes me
- as a stress relief tool
- Eventually I want to use toki pona to write poetry.
- friends speak it
- i love the design of the language. i love minimalistic design.
- My friend showed me it and it looked interesting
- My friends spoke it
- i thought it might help with learning other languages
- to facillitate better communication between system members who, for various reasons, struggled to speak / write in english
- I find sitelen pona and sitelen sitelen to be very beautiful and wanted to create art that featured them
- General interest in conlangs
- jan Misali
- To make learning more languages easier (it didn’t)
- Accessibility reasons during times when English is hard.
- I'm a jan Misali fan
- frens
- As an autistic person, I’m interested in finding more accesible ways to communicate
- I had heard that learning toki pona is a good way to understand one's language learning style
- conlang interest
- i wanted to figure out how it worked
- a friend of mine learnt it and asked if i was interested in doing so too
- I saw other people speaking if and wanted to understand them
- Sonja's a friend of mine
- I wanted to write in sitelen sitelen and draw art based on it
- i am already multilingual, but toki pona is my fourth language which technically makes me a polyglot
- Linguistics is one of my special interests :)
- It kind of was around me
- Friend introduced me to it
- Vrchat community
- Communicate with anyone in the world
- i was bored
- I found that I can use sitelen suwi as a mindfulness practice for my mental health.
- I am autistic and needed a simpler language to greater improve my conceptual and communicative processing as well as have access to a language that is comforting to speak phonetically.
- I have always been great at vocabulary in foreign languages, but not grammar. I felt learning a language that was so different from my native English, with so little vocabulary, would be good for training my mind to think differently/interpret non-English concepts better.
- Mostly because I could - it’s simple enough that I saw no significant negatives to learning it, so I did. Also, I thought it might help me be more concise in other areas.
- Also using toki pona in my content, any to come, and to converse in it with friends who already know toki pona pretty well..
- Linguistic research
- I'm a language enthusiast and conlanger! I'm also interested in the built-in positivity of the language and the community felt very welcoming (I'm trans).
- I wanted to change the way I think to a more positive way.
- the community seemed cool, wanted to join in
- Use as fictional (to the other players) language in Dungeons and Dragons.
- Sign language
- It seemed like it would be an interesting experience.
- It seemed cute and is popular with trans folks
- General interest in conlang and linguistics
- i already was bilingual before learning toki pona but i felt like that wasnt enough
- My friend knows Toki Pona so he introduced me to it and the concept caught my interest.
- jan misali
- I learned to avoid complex words that people don't understand, instead using multiple simple words.
- curiosity
- I was paid £2
- A friend who has a shared interest in linguistics and language told me about it.
- linguistics/conlanging/polyglotism
- some of my friends did so
- i liked its similarity to japanese, which i was avoiding learning when i learnt tp
- I wanted to learn it with my friend
- bored
- Fun frames for d&d characters
- translating pornography into toki pona
- all my friends speak it
- a youtuber i was interested in was very passionate about toki pona
- I was bored on winter holidays
- a friend started learning and i learned what it was and was interested
- I wanted to learn it because it looked like a very interesting and challenging linguistic experiment
- Other languages are too hard for me to learn, & I quickly give up
- A friend mentioned Toki Pona
- I wanted to speak in toki pona with people speaking toki pona
- conlangs fun
- The community is very nice :)
- concept intrigued me and i have others around me who learn it, so i kinda learn by osmosis
- I saw a video by jan Misali and loved the concept.
- i’ve always had an interest in conlangs, tp was next on my list
- it's so funky i love it, i'm already multilingual but
- i'm gay and trans
- To learn how to learn other languages
- i wanted to learn a language that wouldnt take forever to learn so i could help in learning other things
- jan Misali tricked me into learning most of toki pona when i listened to "kulupu jan tenpo" on loop and i was swindled into learning the rest of the language
- I learned it with a friend
- I know english and Icelandic, and I wanted to broaden how language made me think. I'm not at all spiritual, but I love the idea of forcing yourself to think with different words to change your patterns of thought
- languages are too complicated
- my friend knows it
- I wanted to start learning a language that was simpler than the other languages I was failing to learn.
- I have a friend who also wanted to learn it so we could talk in code to each other.
- I had free time
- I like knowing random bs
- Learning about a friend's interest
- I think that talking about Philosophy, Maths and Quantum Mechanics/Quantum Field Theory in toki pona would be interesting...
- I found Toki Pona aesthetically pleasing and wanted to learn it just to know it
- wanted to learn with a friend of mine and talk with each other in a simpler way
- Wanted to do more “simple thinking”
- I wanted to achieve a sense of acomplishment.
- I was interested in reading about the language, then after a while i realised i had started to understand it
- I like the Toki Pona approach to language, conversation, etc.
- toki pona was perfectly interesting and 'useless' to add to my collection of interesting but useless abilities
- My friend spoke it and I was interested
- It seemed like the easiest conlang to learn!
- breakup boredem
- jan fucking Misaliiiiii
- The idea of a language with so few words was not something I could pass up
- to use as a fantasy language for tabletop games
- For roleplay purposes
- i wanted to share an activity/interest with my son.
- darned jan misali
- A friend of mine also knew it so I wanted to join in
- I have no idea
- It's kinda weird... but, I also started learning toki pona to use sitelen pona symbols as mathematical constants :}
- Starting point for learning future languages
- thought it would be funny
- jan misali does it and he's cool
- It’s good for my mental health
- lon kulupu pona la jan mute li kepeken toki pona
- I enjoy learning languages
- toki pona is based
- Religious
- A hobby in conlanging
- Uni society
- Toki Pona seemed like a fun language, and I heard about it from Tatoeba
- I wanted to simplify my thinking and reduce intrusive thoughts.
- I wanted to know what it was like to learn a language
- The toki pona community seemed really friendly and I wanted to be part of a community like it (also the music is very good)
- I find the concept incredibly interesting, I have a love for language, and a friend I appreciate shared it with me and we were planning on learning it together.
- jan Misali
- because i can >:3
- Loved the look of sitelen pona
- cute girl wanted to have someone to study with hehe
- rickrolls
- I wanted to continue enjoying Jan Misali’s youtube channel as they shift into uploading mainly toki-pona related videos
- It's a cute language uwu
- the community seemed funny and i wanted a taste of that humor tbh
- I had a close friend who knew toki pona, and it was a fun skill to share
- Wanted to play Scrabble in toki pona
- I'm a fan of jan Misali's videos and the topic comes up rather frequently on their channel
- I wanted to translate literary and musical works into toki pona.
- i’m learning it with a friend :)
- My friend was also learning it, so I wanted to learn as well.
- I wanted to try training my dog in toki pona
- The community seemed fun
- I was interested in linguistics and how people could converse with a small vocabulary
- A friend introduced me to it so we could learn and speak together
- Intrigued by the smallness and glyphs
- my boyfriend introduced it to me cuz he's SUPER interested in it so i've picked a little up for him really, i also think it's a rlly neat concept (along w/ other conlangs)
- Magic
- Toki pona community seemed cool
- something cool to do with friends
- my girlfriend wanted me to learn it (she kept flirting with me in tp)
- this cute smart girl i had a crush on told me about it
- I wanted to be a part of the community
- instant gratification of learning a full language
- I wanted there to be a universal language
- Using toki pona as an intro to conlangs.
- I wanted to learn a language that I could use to communicate with headmates who have limited understanding of English and/or have trouble understanding it due to complexity
- I like conlangs, and I like the concept of the minimalism of Toki Pona
- Wanting to learn a new language with the least effort possible
- Was curious about what the world's smallest language was
- Autistic specific interest in linguistics
- Wanted to use it as a language in a LARP game
- I want to use it as part of tabletop rpg campaigns--puzzles for characters, background flavor about the world, etc.
- I wanted to journal in it
- I like the idea behind the language
- Boredom
- I grow my brain
- I wanted to watch every jan Misali video
- personal interest in linguistics
- Joining a community
- i wanted to be able to more easily communicate my thoughts and feelings
- my autism fixation is linguistics
- watched too much jan misali
- I wanted to learn another language, I wanted to be able to add one to the number of languages I can say I know, I wanted to learn a language quickly, I wanted to learn toki pona
- To share in an interest that one of my close companions has.
- I heard it helped in learning other languages
- cause its easy
- using toki pona as a basis for a fictional language for a one shot LARP
- sitelen sitelen is the best writing system ever
- Linguistic curiosity
- I was introduced to it by my friends.
- One reason I wanted to learn toki pona was to experiment with learning another language in the middle of my normal language learning pursuits to see how the knowledge of multiple new language would interact in my brain. I also wanted to see if it would boost my language learning ability. It has been a good experience and very encouraging for me as a language learner.
- I wanted to write without others understanding me
- conlangs are cool
- I wanted to talk with my friends in a language that wasn't English
- jan misali
- I am a fan of the jan Misali channel and he got me hooked
- Other people I know speak it
- it seemd fun (it is)
- I read an article about a Toki Pona society at my college and decided to look into it further.
- Learn with Family
- I wanted to learn Luka Pona.
- I wanted to understand what other Toki Ponists I knew were saying
- my girlfriend was learning it, and I wanted to share a hobby with her
- i need to know 2 languages for credential reasons and toki pona is easy
- jan li pona tawa mi li kepeken toki pona. mi wile toki tawa ona.
- mi toki e toki pona tan jan ante li toki e toki pona. mi toki e toki pona tan toki Inli li ike a a a.
- ona li pona
- toki pona li pona tawa lawa mi. mi jo e jaki lawa Depression la, toki pona li pana e pona tawa mi.
- mi pilin e toki pona li pana e pona tawa mi sona. kin la mi pilin e jan ma li ken toki pona la jan ma li ken sona toki pi e jan ante.
- mi lukin e sitelen tawa pi jan Misali. mi wile sona e toki pona ona
- mi ken kama sona e toki pona lon tenpo lili. mi ken sitelen e toki ni kepeken sitelen mute pi pona lukin !
- toki pona e suwi (ken pali, ona ala jo mute sitelen).
- mi sitelen e pilin mi la, jan ante li ken ala sona
- mi kama sona tan jan Misali
- kama sona e toki li pona mute tawa mi
- mi wile sitelen kepeken toki pona
- nasin sewi pona pi toki pona li pona tawa mi.
- nasin pi toki pona li pona tawa mi, li pona e toki pilin mi
- mi wile pona e lawa mi.
- jan ante li toki e ni tawa mi: "mi pilin e ni: sina ken ala kama sona e toki pona lon tenpo lili.". tan ni la mi kama sona e toki pona.
- tan wile kama sona e toki ante la mi open kepeken toki pona
- tan mi lukin e sitelen tawa pi jan Misali
- mi lukin e sitelen tawa pi toki pona lon tomo pi sitelen tawa Conlang Critic
- mi kama jo e lipu pi toki Lojban la lipu Amazon li toki e ni: "jan ante li kama jo e ni!"
- mi wile kama pona
- mi wile pona e toki lawa mi
- mi wile pona
- mi wile sona e nasin pona
- jan pona wan li suwi la ona li toki e mi - mi lukin e sitelen pi toki pona.
- mi wile sona e kon pi toki mi pi pilin mi. mi kama sona e ni kepeken nasin mute. toki pona li nasin wan.
- toki pona li pona e pilin mi e isipin mi / toki pona improves and simplifies my mood and thoughts.
- mi kama sona toki pona tan ni: mi wile pona e lawa mi. mi open sona la lipu Wikipisija li toki e ni: "toki pona li lon tawa pona ni".
- mi wile toki tawa jan la mi wile ala e ni: jan ante li sona ala e mi
- mi wile sona e toki pali
- toki pona li wile e wawa ala tawa kama sona. nimi mute pi toki pona li tan toki mama mi ni: toki Konton (Cantonese).
- toki pona li pona e lawa mi. kepeken ona la mi ken toki e pilin insa mi tawa jan ante.
- pona
- mi pali e sona sin tan jan ante kepeken toki pona.
- toki ilo li pona mute tawa mi
- toki pali li pona mute tawa mi, taso mi sona ala e toki pali lon open sona mi pi toki pona. mi wile sona e ni: toki pali li ken seme? ona li sama toki majuna anu seme?
- nasin pi tp li pona tawa lawa mi
- toki pona li pona tawa pilin/lawa mi
- jan li ken kama sona e toki pona kepeken tenpo lili
- sona pi toki pona li wile e wawa suli ala e tenpo suli ala tan lawa mi!
- toki pona li toki lili. mi ken kama toki pona kepeken tenpo lili. ni li pana e pilin wawa tawa mi.
- mi pali e musi kepeken toki Toki Pona
- mi tonsi li kule mute. toki pona li toki tonsi tawa mi
- toki pona li suwi a tawa kute. kin la, jan Misali li kepeken toki pona li kepeken sitelen pona la, mi wile sona e toki len ona.
- jan pona tu mi li kama sona e ona
- tan jan pona mi li ken toki kepeken toki pona.
- nasin pi toki pona li nasa pona li lili pona
- toki pona li pona tawa mi la mi wile kama sona
- Mi wile toki pona! Tenpo ni la toki pi jan ma li pana ala pali e ni: toki e lawa mute kepeken nimi pona.
- mi kama sona e toki pona la mi kama wawa lon kama sona pi toki ante
- mi wile sitelen e sitelen sitelen pi jan Josan, la mi wile sona e nasin pi toki pona
- jan pona mi li sona e toki pona, mi wile e ni: ona li pilin pona tan sona mi pi toki pona. taso mi ni la mi kama sona e ni: toki pona li musi
- mi jo e tenpo mute
- mi wile sona e toki pi nimi lili lili
- Quería ver que era la lengua
- quería ver si me ayudaba con mi salud mental, y sí ayudó
- Quería usar otra lengua en mis mesas de ttrpg
- me interesan las lenguas construidas y toki pona me parecio facil
- fun
- Ich wollte sprechen, ohne dass andere mich verstehen und Spaß mit das Lernen dieser Sprache. einem Freund haben während
- привлекла простая грамматика
- 인공어에 대한 지식을 쌓기 위하여
- To simplify personal affairs
- 想和别人交流
- 人造语言万岁!
- wanted to learn a conlang
- J'aime les langues construites
- 友人に勧められたことがきっかけです。
- 人工言語制作に役立つ知見を得たいと思ったから
- Estis interese, kia estas la lingvo de "120" vortoj
- konstruitaj lingvoj interesegas min
- jan misali
- Mi volis lerni tre facilan lingvon
- Al mi, planlingvoj estas interesaj
- Mi akcidente eklernis legante kurson el interesiĝo
When did people start learning Toki Pona?
The exponential increase at almost a rate of 2x per year seems to keep holding a! We got approximately twice as many respondents in the census this year while the census was open for the same amount of time. And now here you can see this exponential growth in the year that people started learning Toki Pona. If we divide the 2021 number by the 2020 number we get 1.95, and if we scaled the 2022 bar by 4/3 (the census was closed in the second week of October so only 3/4 of the year had passed) and divide it by the 2021 one we get 1.88.
Part of this phenomenon could be due to the fact that people that learned Toki Pona more recently hang out more in the communities and have a much higher chance of responding the census.
But as we pointed out last time, there are other observations showing this exponential growth. At the time of writing, the number of reddit subscribers to /r/tokipona shows a consistent exponential increase of slightly less than a factor of 2 increase per year. So these data along with the fact that many people here did not fill the census 2021 all seem to indicate that the growth in the online communities is exponential, but at the same time the number of people that leave them or that just don’t hang out that much there anymore is also growing exponentially, but the exponential number of people that come in is larger than the one of those that come out.
Also, the exponential cannot be seen for 2022 for the Toki Pona group, most likely because people that recently learned Toki Pona still need some time to be confident enough with the language as to answer the form in Toki Pona.
Here we have the same graph but in logarithmic scale. In this graph, a growth at the pace of a straight line means an exponential increase. One can appreciate how the data grow like a line since at least 2014, with a bump in 2020. This bump (an increase significantly greater than a factor of 2) was not present in the census 2021.
Community and Toki Pona
Do people own pu or Ku?
A new book by Sonja Lang came out between last census and this one, so we added it to the question about whether you own pu. Despite 83% of people responding a Toki Pona census for the first time, the data were similarly to last time: slightly less than 50% of people own at least one of the books. This notable consistency means that if we knew how many times pu has been sold, by some simple computations one could make a pretty good estimate about the number of jan pi toki pona that are out there.
More people among the group of Toki Pona respondents own the books written or compiled by Sonja Lang.
Non-pu words?
With a new word list that was compiled in the Toki Pona dictionary after the last census, it was pretty natural to ask people whether they know and/or use these words. We asked about the Ku suli words and allowed people to add any other words that they used for Toki Pona. The graph shows the most frequent words that were mentioned (the ones that represent at least 1% of the total) and the rest of the responses can be seen below the graph. Some of these did not use the format we asked for, so they were not considered for the graph. Some people specified the Ku suli words again, and these were not taken into account for the graph either.
The conclusion about these graphs is that except for tonsi, monsuta, kijetesantakalu, ku, and kin, the rest of the words are not used by the majority of people, and more than half of the default list is not even known by most people. So be careful when communicating outside of your bubble! As expected, the people that responded in Toki Pona know most of these words but still, its usage depends a lot on the word. Funnily enough, for this group some words like epiku and oko are used much less in comparison to how much the other words are used with respect to the popularity order in the global group.
In any case I feel there will always be people that think that Toki Pona should stay as a small language, since being small is part of its essence (e.g. just pu words and small additions, or even pu without some words), and there will be others that like to use some other words freely since Toki Pona is all but prescriptive.
- i use a lot of them, i'm too lazy to type them all but i do use "neja", "po" a lot due to an inside joke
- pa
- ete, kan, ke, kese, kuntu, loka, mulapisu, pata, peto, umesu, waleja, sulumen, likola
- mulapisu
- mulapisu
- wiki, aja
- nimisin
- Amokusu
- pa
- Linluwi
- konwe
- i know a lot if not all of them, but i tend to only use them when pu words just arent doing it for me.
- yutu, kulijo, nimisin, wuwojiti
- wekama, mulapisu, oki, ke, kamalawala
- I sometimes cheat by saying English words then claiming they're "nimi sin". Does that count? If not, please ignore
- Kosukoli
- ola
- tuli
- ete, sutopatikuna
- i guess sutopatikuna as a joke
- siji (magic)
- wuwojiti, kulijo
- nja
- kuto, esa, sepe
- gaming, sutopatikuna
- ipi
- sutopatikuna, wuwojiti
- mijomi, melome
- nimisin,
- suwi
- No
- sikomo
- popo
- kan, pata, tuli, ipi, kapa, pasila, jami, pika
- ki
- jume,
- te (old toki ma, replaces "e ni:")
- ja
- (and only sometimes the following:) majuna, mulapisu, pasila, kuntu, alu
- kulijo (not in serious conversation), kuntu (very rarely), oke (i use this while speaking to non toki pona speakers, too)
- Apeja
- No
- ok, yes, no
- i didnt even know they werent pu but theyre ku so.
- yukeposi, kulijo, natu, peto, jume
- titan
- sutopatikuna
- kulijo
- epiku, kijetesantakalu, n
- soko, tonsi, n, ku, kijetesantakalu, monsuta, epiku
- inakite
- ola, molusa, nele
- yume
- ete
- pasila, jami
- meso, pata, peto, Pingo, soko, wasoweli,
- Sikomo
- isipin (only when i feel "pilin" or "toki insa" aren't accurate)
- kipisi, n
- 'msa' as an abbreviation for mi sona ala, 'lti' as an abbreviation for lon toki inli, i use various nonstandard grammar when communicating insystem
- tenpo ale la mi kepeken nimi “isipin”, nimi “kulijo”
- enko
- kiwen, ko
- kewi, komapo
- Pingo
- wuwojiti
- owe, kan, ete, Pingo, jule, kamalawala, ki, ola, kulu, pa,
- likujo, kulijo, suweli
- pika, linku, kosan
- alu
- None that I can think of.
- molusa, pa
- mulapisu
- jume
- Yupekosi, waleja
- soto - left, teje - right
- ete, isipin. usawi
- neja
- konwe
- oni, pala, nele, maybe others
- konwe
- Pingo, jume
- kan
- momento, lipasa
- saja
- loka, pasila
- Puwa
- monka
- awase
- kese, konokolo (autism/similar space nimisin)
- a variety of nimi sin created by my friends, i to mean specific inside jokes
- pa
- owe,
- misikeke, jalan, jonke, kamalawala, kan, kapa, likujo, mulapisu, pasila, pata, peta, peto, pipo, sutopatikuna, tuli, waleja, wawajete, wekama
- enko, ki, molusa, pasila, wekama, , any others if I'm writing music
- epiku, jume
- likujo, omekalike, pika,
- kewi, komapo
- kuntu, peto,
- molusa
- jonke, nimisin, wasoweli, wekama
- nejo
- sutopatikuna
- pa
- enko, ete, jami, kepen, kosan, lajotu, molusa, mulapisu, natu, nimisin, nja, ojuta, Pingo, ten, wekama, wuwojiti, yutu
- mije, meli, nimisin
- kisa, nja, kulijo, nimisin, wuwojiti
- leko, soko, tonsi
- amonkasi
- Pingo
- kulijo, sutopatikuna, jonke, nja
- melome
- wekama
- ete, kapesu, kulijo, te/to, uwasi
- son'ala, jans
- ke
- all from the Linku, including yupekosi, Pingo, et cetera.
- Taki
- pata
- nja
- kijetesantakalu, kijetesantakalu, kijetesantakalu, kijetesantakalu, kijetesantakalu, kijetesantakalu, (mi toki nanpa kepeken sitelen nanpa kijetesantakalu)
- oni, kan, kuntu, peto, Pingo, sutopatikuna
- mulapisu
- Kiki
- ke
- pika
- Kiki
- supa
- jume, konwe, kuntu, omen, owe
- Nope
- kese
- konwe,
- nimisin, ete, wekama, likujo, molusa,
- lipasa, ojuta, likujo
- polinpin, konwe
- epiku, ete, ewe, kipisi, jasima, unikijetesantakalu lanpan, misikeke, kalamARR, meso, tonsi, monsuta, ju, kamalawala, kan, soko, ke, kese, kijetesantakalu, kokosila, ku, kulijo, kuntu, leko, likujo, loka, lu, mulapisu, n, neja, toma, nu, pata, peto, Pingo, polinpin, pomotolo, samu, su, sutopatikuna, suke, tuli, u, umesu, waleja, wasoweli, peta,
- Left, right
- molusa, leko, supa
- neja, mulapisu
- pika, konwe
- enko
- pokusanpu
- epiku, pa
- Yupekosi
- kuntu, mala
- ali, kamalawala, kese,
- All the nimi ku lili, pela
- sutopatikuna
- ewe
- sate, pa, puwapuwa
- ewe
- sutopatikuna
- ete (beyond, distant, marginalise), linluwi (network, internet), lisa (squeeze, restrict, narrow), suta (authority, control, domination), waleja (context)
- poni
- ke
- pika
- sikomo, kamalawala, okepuma
- nalanja
- awase, jami, je, kan, kese, kiwen, kosan, kulijo, kuntu, loka, melome, mijomi, molusa, nele, opasan, seme, waleja, four others that I created for personal usage, any others I only use as jokes
- nimi ni: "soto", "teje" (tawa "poka open", "poka pini" lon nasin sitelen ni)
- ala
- nimi "isipin", jan ante li kepeken nimi nasa la mi kepeken ona kin
- ala
- pata
- leko, tonsi
- oko, kin, soko, ku, tonsi
- likujo, jami
- kan, ete, pata
- mi kepeken lili e nimi soto e nimi teje. mi kepeken kin e nimi pu lili lon nasin sitelen UCSUR.
- kuntu, pata, alu
- tonsi, monsuta, ku, soko
- kuntu, peto
- mi kepeken ala e nimi ante pi pu ala.
- eni
- pomotolo, (kijosin)
- ete
- mi kepeken nimi ku. mi sona ala e nimi ale mi a a
- ala
- ki
- ,
- tokana
- kulijo
- ki
- ala
- tri, polinpin, mijomi, su te
- kan, kisa, pata
- api
- natu
- okepuma
- ete, kamalawala
- tenpo mute la mi kepeken nimi ni: apeja, kan, pata, kapa, pasila. tenpo lili la mi kepeken nimi ni: isipin, mulapisu (musi taso), natu, sutopatikuna (musi taso), yupekosi (musi taso), i, iki, ipi, jalan.
- monsupo
- ki (pi nasin pi jan Seli), si, wi
- tonsi
- mi kepeken e nimi "kiki" e nimi "pata"
- ke
- mise, mulapisu
- ete, kisa
- epiku, jasima, kijetesantakalu, kin, kipisi, ku, lanpan, likujo, misikeke, monsuta, n, namako, oko, pakin, tonsi
- "soto, " "teje, " "kiki, " "unu, " "kapesi, " "peto, " "tulu, " "po, " "misa, " "kuntu"
- mi kepeken e nimi ante pi pu ala lili lili. mi kepeken mute e sitelen ", "
- natu
- kuntu, konwe
- u
- Sitelen ala
- pata, tuli, nalanja, waleja, kan, pasila, peta
- sutopatikuna, kan, ali
- tenpo mute mute la mi kepeken e nimi pu taso.
- owa, ola
- ala
- wiki, poni
- kamalawala, mijomi, melome
- kamalawala
- ola
- ojuta :)
- masiki (nimi sama pi nimi "misikeke")
- mulapisu
- mi kepeken ala.
- mi kepeken mute la mi sitelen ala
- mi kepeken ala
- ne para hacer una pregunta
- ola
- Majuna
- kijetesantakalu, monsuta
- Yes
- i, peto, sikomo, jumi, oni, sipi, itomi
- su
- У меня с друзьями есть 2 сленговых слова, которые больше нигде не используются. Мы сами их придумали.
- kutopoma
- melome
- Tak używam wiele więcej podstawowych słów
- tonsinan
- kamalawala
- majuna - mi uzas ĝin
- pesuto
- umesu
- pata, tuli, omekalike, ete
Teaching Toki Pona
Yes, Toki Pona is a language people like teaching! Around 40% of people reported to have taught Toki Pona to other people (100% minus percentage of people that responded with a “No”).
- working on a course
- Only some barebones basics for fun, in person.
- Learning it together with my girlfriend
- But I sure have tried XD
- in the process of teaching a person
- Attempted, but didn't get far
- Most of my friends have learned soweli and nothing else.
- i wanted to teach my mom but she cannot remember “i love you” she says mi olue see nay
- I have introduced a friend to toki pona, but I can't teach.
- ive given others resources, but not directly taught
- I’ve told others about it
- I would like to, but the people I know aren’t receptive to new things, so :shrug:
- No, but I might if I have the desire to do it
- no, but i infodumped about it several times
- i am half planning to teach a small group in school if people are interested and i have time
- I have explained basic concepts to interested friends, but not really taught the language in full
- I tried to get others to learn it, but they didn't want to
- Started teaching someone but they became uninterested quickly
- i TRIED to
- Ish? I've gotten others into it, and have given them resources to learn
- Ive taught the basics to some of my friends in person
- I have introduced toki pona to others and taught them very few words.
- tried with friends, none are interested
- I've tried 😅
- I’ve never taught vocabulary or grammar, but I have shown a few sentences to people I know
- I have made attempts (tm) but no one was interested
- not yet
- Yes, in VR
- I try to plant seeds
- I've tried, but people either aren't I tested enough to start, or not committed enough to to finish.
- Or at least i tried to
- Only the occasional thing in kama sona
- I created a server for teaching and learning.
- have described it in brief, but not fully taught
- I told my friend about the language, but that's about it.
- very basic sporadic stufd
- I have taught a small amount in person and text chat
- i have tried to but no one i know really cares
- I've taught a few basic words as i learned them, but nothing in-depth.
- Tried, but didn't get through
- Yes, in VRChat
- I’ve answered a few question.
- Learning as a team - helping each other
- Trying to learn with a couple of friends
- I hosted a series of zoom classes on it
- I convinced someone to learn it
- I've tried
- Yes, to my D&D group
- I’m planning on teaching it to a friend
- not really, but I did make a small google doc compiling the sources I have used to share with people
- I haven’t taught it. Just introduced others
- I have shown Toki Pona to other people in VRChat using a custom avatar with a dictionary.
- Not yet, but I do want to try it
- told somebody to watch jan misali's vids on it once
- I mean, I tried. They didn't really want to learn though.
- I have created a toki pona pidgin with non-toki pona speakers, but I have not taught toki pona.
- I am "teaching" a group of middle schoolers (but really, learning together)
- VRChat
- Not yet, but i know somebody who wants to learn it and will probably start teaching them at some point
- My attempts resulted in failure.
- Going to start teaching our partner soon in person and w/ text chat
- i taught using texting and showing them other resources (i was the first in the group to learn it)
- I've helped a couple of people out in ma pona's #pana-sona channel, but I wouldn't say I really taught much of anything.
- I teach it to the friend who wanted to learn it among others too. I tutor while learning.
- I have translated jan Lentan’s course if that counts?
- Depends what you count as teaching, nothing formal but i'll drop a few words with translations in twitch chats here and there.
- I had a friend who started learning toki pona around the same time I did and they literally never told me until like a year later
- I’ve tried to
- But gosh dang I’ve tried
- I am trying but nobody cares :(
- Yes, in VRChat
- I linked a course to friends
- I plan to teach others in person, but haven’t convinced them yet.
- I have TALKED about teaching Toki Pona to my sibling
- i showed some of my friends the jan misali course if that counts
- I am planning on doing so
- I've shown others the very basics in person and got them interested.
- Yes, in VRChat
- I am looking forward to teaching Toki Pona to others
- mi pana e sona tawa jan pona mi
- mi pana sona e jan wan
- mi wile pana sona e jan tomo mi. taso ona li wile ala.
- mi toki tawa jan pona mi kepeken toki pona, taso jan li wile kama sona ala.
- mi pali e lipu pi kama sona. taso, lipu mi li pini ala la jan ala li ken lukin e lipu mi.
- mi pana e sona tan lawa mi taso
- mi pona e sona tawa jan pona mi
- lon, mi pana e sona tawa jan wan taso pi kama sona
- mi pana lili e sona lon ma Wijasa (VRChat)
- mi pana e sona lili tawa jan pona mi. taso ona li wile ala toki mute
- mi pana e lipu tawa jan pi kama sona.
- tenpo kama la, mi wile pana e sona pi toki pona tawa jan pona mi.
- mi pana e sona pi toki pona tawa jan olin mi.
- mi pana e sona tawa jan pona mi.
- mi pana sona e lili tawa jan poka mi, taso tenpo mute la, ona li wile ala.
- mi pana e sona lon tomo sona pi ma mi.
- tenpo la mi toki pona lili tawa jan olin, mi wile pana e sona tawa jan pona mi a! taso ona li wile ala kama sona , -
- mi pana e sona pi toki pona tawa jan olin mi
- mi pana tawa jan pona mi. ona mute li wile ala sona a a
- napisałam artykuł dla jan Lentan
- 口述道本语的存在并说明道本语的意义
- 写了一本道本语教程,同学自己打印了但她根本没冲着道本语来所以最后也没学
- Oui, dans le cadre familial
- kepeken ilo VR!
- via VRChat
How people learned Toki Pona
The course 12 days of Toki Pona by jan Misali keeps being the resource most people used for learning Toki Pona initially. This time even more so, with 61.1% of people selecting this option vs 52.8% last time. We are still in the video era of the internet. pu is still used about the same as last time, while jan Pije’s course has declined in favor of jan Lentan’s that has increased significantly (jan Pije’s is not accesible anymore, which is as far as I know partly because it was teaching a somewhat old version of Toki Pona). In any case, people use multiple resources: the tail of this distribution is fatter than last time and the percentages add up to 221.5% and there is also the resources specified in the free answer part of this question.
- I saw a negative review of it on social media, thought it wasn’t bad at all and that I should try learning it
- lon tomo kanlenkisi (conlang critic discord)
- Youtube
- Just started
- VRChat, kilipan's nasin-toki
- quizlet set of toki pona words
- discord
- Songs written in Toki Pona (especially ones that explain the reason for translations thoroughly like those by jan Misali)
- getting ku was a huge help in actually taking the stride of learning and using the language
- Clozemaster
- Newer videos by jan Misali
- Toki Pone Cheatsheet
- I don't remember which book I used first, but I got into it again once I got pu
- Reading stuff on Discord and wordlists, listening to Toki Pona music
- The 2 sided page toki pona cheat sheet
- Quizlet
- practice among headmates
- jan Misali's newer course
- flashcards
- Just by conversing with others! I understood it a lot better earlier this year, but I’ve been so busy I haven’t been keeping up with it :(
- nasin sona musi
- toki pona online dictionary (unknown)
- Starting to take jan Misali course, but doing independent reading as well
- the tp minecraft language pack
- Online Dictionary
- toki pona pal app
- something I thought was pu but I don't think it was
- i heard of someone
- jan misali mentioned it and i wanted to see
- jan Sa's cheatsheet, kama sona discord channel, compensible stores and side-by-side translated stories produced by Fingtam Languages
- Using Clozemaster
- Jan misali’s new course as well
- jan Misali’s new toki pona lessons &
- soweli Tesa's lipu sona mi pi toki pona
- By myself or using Glosbe
- lipu pi jan sin pi toki pona
- online pu dictionaries and conversation
- lipu sona by soweli Tesa
- mostly the community itself, glosbe, and reading through lipu Linku
- Glosbe toki pona
- i learned some words from 12 days of toki pona, and some from some online dictionary i found, then stopped learning for a really long time and learned the rest by playing the toki pona minecraft server back when it was in 1.16.3 and looking up words in a dictionary that i didn't know
- Ku!
- I wrote text-based flash card software for it (
- kama sona (Discord), Learn Toki Pona (Discord)
- Toki Pona Pal
- 'nasin sona musi' game on
- "toki pona pal" (android phone app), "nasin sona musi"
- Some iOS app called "Toki Pona"
- Toki Pona VR
- Consistent effort over a long period of time
- a really sketchy pdf that sonja lang specifically told me was inaccurate
- cheat sheets
- specifically the pdf dated from 2005. i think it's by jan Pije? but not on the site. i can't find it rn so i can't check.
- Glosbe
- Assuming jan Pije's course is called Toki Pona the language of good – the simple way of life, and written in december 2005, then jan Pije's course is true. Otherwise I learned from that one.
- from Sonja personally and from Nikita Ayzikovsky
- immersion
- jan Misali's ongoing remake of 12 days of Toki Pona
- i used a really unorthodox method, so i watched the first 2 episodes of jan Misali's new 12 days of toki pona lessons, then i went in lipu Linku and memorized a ton of the words, and then i practiced texting and talking in toki pona
- reading Reddit posts
- I’m kind of just learning by checking out memes on /r/tokipona and /r/mi_lon
- toki Pona app
- A personal Quizlet deck
- wouldn't say I learned it but I learned from these
- iPhone app called Toki Pona
- Clozetmaster
- kama sona discord server
- Using Quizlet
- jan misali's new lessons
- An app
- Self taught
- looking at a dictionary and trying to construct sentences
- still learning
- Scrabble
- Just trying to translate things
- app
- Ma Toki Pona VR (VRChat)
- I'm learning using a variety of resources I can find online for free & cross referencing to make sure I have the correct understanding
- Quizlet
- "Learn Toki Pona" iOS app
- The "Toki Pona Pal" app for Android
- Using quizlet
- jan Misali's more recent toki pona videos, his song translations, and copious amounts of Google searches and Wiktionary
- Lipu Linku, talking to Lipamanka
- nasin sona musi
- Always looking into more ways to learn too.
- Kama sona
- Lipu sona by soweli Tesa
- Discord and Reddit
- youtube re sitelen pona, other toki pona iOS apps
- some other course
- Using Quizlet
- Saw some youtube videos on it
- Theres was a video about it
- Lessons of Toki Pona google doc, i dont know who made it
- Google the chart and made flash cards
- lipu Linku
- Duo Lingo
- James Mulang's: nasin sona musi
- jan Misali’s other introductory training course, which is not complete yet
- jan Kekan San's weekly lessons in VRChat
- mostly just the cheat sheets listed on the website, and then using ma pona for anything those can't provide
- different sources
- An app called “toki pona” developed by Martin Voigt
- jan Misali's OTHER toki pona video series (toki pona lessons)
- jan Misali’s newer course
- jan Misali's new series, Ma Toki Pona VR
- Toki pona ceatsheet by Blinry, Lipu sona pona
- glosbe/en/mis_tok
- jan misali's more recent toki pona content
- discord server(s)
- LangFocus Channel
- jan Misali's new toki pona lessons started in 2021
- Lipu Linku, jan Juli's nasin-toki, /r/mi_lon
- I believe by practice with a few dictionaries and translators
- Years ago with the group where Sonja shared toki pona, way before pu
- Reading and listening to toki pona text and music
- Randomly: was looking for language with most words, then found the one with least words
- I use a small-ish dictionary in a text file to look up words when I forget. It includes pu and ku suli words.
- The ones I selected are what I plan to learn with
- Quizlet
- two different toki pona apps on ios that are named "toki pona"
- Remnote
- Language Exchange Discord Server
- Self teaching
- Wiktionary
- Astrodonut's video series "learn toki pona in a fortnight"
- the realy nice dude in the subreddit woohoo out's offering to teach people for free
- Rewrote the dictionary shared in the official discord server in a little notebook
- flash cards and a discord server
- reading/listening to content, then referencing documentation of the language
- TOFU learn
- nasin sona sitelen pona thingy
- pretty sure it was jan Misali
- handmade flash cards
- Using Sitelen Pona fonts
- translating /r/mi_lon memes
- lipu linku
- All of the ones i checked + quizlet and some of astrodonunt's "Learn Toki Pona in a Fortnight." Mainly ma pona.
- Astrodonunt
- jan Sa's cheat sheet
- VRChat lessons tan jan Kekan San
- toki pona translator
- Using Quizlet
- davidar’s course on github
- jan Misali's new toki pona course
- Lessons of Toki Pona
- Conlang Critic
- From a couple different sources like musi lili's course on sitelen pona, looking up other videos on the matter, though I didn't learn from any of them except for Jan misali's explanation of the word "la"
- i'm not learning right now
- quizlet
- By programming a lipu nimi
- Learn toki pona in a fortnight
- roommate speaking it to me
- kama sona pi toki pona
- ku
- Flashcard app called Optimem
- The "Lessons of Toki Pona" google doc. Link:!
- a pdf of pu words + grammar, and just using it
- nasin toki pona
- ku
- I used the toki pona in a page sheet along with quizlet
- I found pictures online showing the grammar, how to structure sentences etc
- Found the language via reddit, learned mostly through internet - found out jan Misali had a course later on
- iOS apps named Toki Pona and Toki Trainer
- The old, currently non-existent, tinycards lesson
- Reading on the "toki pona taso" Matrix group
- Optimem flashcard app
- toki pona ios app, cheat sheet
- i haven't yet, selections are what i have started with
- Using an app
- currently learning through the sequel to 12 days of Toki Pona by jan Misali
- Learn toki pona in a fortnight
- nasin sona musi (James Moulang)
- lessons from a fluent friend
- The purple Toki Pona app on iOS. A little using Clozemaster and example sentences
- Toki Pona app
- Linku,
- Chatting in the Discord server
- jan Misali's new course, soweli Tesa's course
- toki pona cheat sheet pdf
- nasin sona musi
- Toki Pona in a Fortnight by astrodonut
- Discord server, jan Misali's work in progress toki pona series
- Learn toki pona in a fortnight
- Manual flash cards
- i partially used jan Misali’s course, and then used jan Sa’s cheat sheet to learn a lot of the rest of the grammar
- I study every weird and word combination so I can be the teacher for them.
- Conlang Critic discord server
- Toki Pona cheat sheet, lots of help from friends!
- started with jan Misali's newer series, but i dont remember how i learned the rest.
- “Toki Pona” learning app
- Clozemaster, an interactive PDF, and the game "nasin sona musi"
- jan Misali's new ongoing course
- I saw videos on tiktok and then started to search
- I also used Wiktionary’s toki pona dictionary
- toki pona in a fortnight course by astrodonut. I also used multiple word lists online, namely these ones: I stopped relying as much on online word lists when I bought the toki pona dictionary since it was often a better tool.
- /r/tokipona
- A horrid collection of every source I could find
- Homemade flashcards, various other guides
- toki pona (martin voigt)
- Looking between a word list and memes from /r/mi_lon
- youtube
- one of the old wevsite-based courses that I can't find anymore...
- Learn Toki Pona in a fortnight
- soweli Tesa's course (, kama sona Discord server
- The new jan Misali course was what motivated me to start learning
- Toki Pona app
- nasin sona musi by James Moulang
- Using dictionaries
- I would browse through things in toki pona and when I wanted to know what a word meant, I would search for the definition
- I have not learned toki pona yet
- nasin sona musi
- ma pi toki pona VR (VRChat)
- A YouTube video covering fun languages to learn.
- Flash cards I made
- glosbe, and some youtube videos i dont know the name of.
- kulupu pi toki pona pi lipu Pepu (Facebook)
- handmade flashcards
- lipu nimi mute pi toki pona
- sitelen tawa sin pi jan Misali
- toki pona lon tenpo esun tu, tan jan Minasa
- mi toki mute lon kulupu. jan kulupu li pana e sona lon wile sona mi
- Toki Pona in a Fortnight
- mi toki tawa jan pi lipu Siko, mi kama sona e nimi kepeken lipu "Google"
- ma toki pona VR. mi toki kepeken toki pona tan kulupu ni!
- flashcards (ilo Kuwisile - Quizlet)
- Glosbe
- lipu Linku
- Wiktionary
- lipu pi jan Pije lon toki Posuka (ona li ante lili)
- lipu lili pi jan blinry pi jan Sa
- jan Kapilu en jan ante li pana e sona pi toki pona tawa mi
- + + wikitionary -> mi lanpan e sona pi nimi - mi sitelen e ilo - ilo li alasa e nimi mute
- musi Manka
- kulupu kama sona lon ilo Siko li pona e toki mi. kin la mi lukin e sitelen tawa mute.
- kulupu sitelen sin tan jan Misali
- Ijo "Discords"
- mi pana sona e mi kepeken lipu
- (mi lon tenpo kulupu pi ma Wijasa la mi kama sona e nasin sin lili pi toki pona)
- mi lukin e lipu mute
- i sorted the sitelen pona PDF semantically by copy pasting them in MS Paint until they were etched into my retinae.
- 'Learn toki pona in a fortnight' by astrodonut
- lipu Wesi en lipu Pesipu
- wikipedia
- Toki pona in a fortnight
- ilo Kuwise (Quizlet)
- lipu Wesi
- ma pona pi toki pona li pana mute tawa mi. ni la Jan Pije li pana lili.
- lipu Linku
- nasin "toki pona complete" pi ijo "Memrise"
- mi kepeken ilo ante kin. taso, ona li ilo seme la, ni li kama weka tan sona mi lon tenpo lon...
- lipu Wikipesija (toki Inli en toki pona), lipu "nimi ale pona" lon lipu Kukolo (Google Docs), ku, sitelen tawa pi jan Minasa/Astrodonunt - "learn toki pona in a fortnight", pali e musi Manka kepeken e toki pona
- lipu Wisonewi (wiktionary), lipu Wesi
- lipu Linku
- kurso en Esperanto
- Hay un pdf de 21 mpáginas que lo explica muy bien en español. (¡Y en otras lenguas!)
- Reddit, info graphics and a pdf in Spanish
- Clozemaster, Tatoeba
- toki pona cheatsheet
- Toki Pona in a fortnight, Astrodonunt aka best toki pona channel
- Un manual de tokipona en español pdf
- lipu Linku - toki pona dictionary
- Facebook challenge 2020
- lipu sona lon lipu Wikipu
- викиучебник, дискорд сервер kama sona
- Russian Wiki Textbook
- 꺼무위키
- Kurs w internecie
- "the tokirap" from jan Misali (dictionary of words in my notebook)
- 道本相关群聊
- Trying to translate into Tokipona by myself
- 网络社区(qq)内的道本语法(七页)
- 没学
- QQ群
- 是@顾 伦 Koliuen 道本语中文教程
- lvogel leçons en français
- Toki Pona in 14 days, de l'Université de Reddit
- jan Piluno (french "12 days of toki pona" courses)
- Cours en 17 leçons en français (traduction et adaptation en français des cours de jan Pije en anglais et de Jim Henry en espéranto, d'après l'auteur du cours)
- jan Nesapa のコース
- jan Nesapa (YouTube)
- toki pona programeto en la App Store
- Indonezia libro pri tokipono
- Vikipedio ankaŭ por la gramatiko
Discord and Reddit are still the most represented communities. Interestingly, the percentage of people in Discord has grown from 74.1% to 86.3% and the Reddit one has decreased from 65.6% to 55.1%. This is despite the exponential growth we showed on Reddit above, which just means that the Discord community has been growing even faster! Some new platforms have got Toki Pona communities, like Mastodon and VRChat, which we have extracted from the free answer part of this question.
Remember you can click on the bars to see their labels and numbers if they are missing in small screens.
- jabber (xmpp) chats.
- Tumblr
- Tumblr
- None
- Ponapona
- jiti
- Many toki pona learners on Neocities!
- Scratch
- ActivityPub social servers (mastodon et. al.)
- GC with friends
- Tumblr
- Scratch
- Tumblr
- Formerly in ma pona pi toki pona
- I will join some once I'm more confident in my skills
- scratch
-, Scratch, Minecraft
- Language Club (my own server)
- Matrix
- scratch
- small group of friends
- matrix
- "toki pona taso" Element group and Lemmy's toki pona community
- In-person local meetups at school
- Small WhatsApp community
- Gemini
- Revolt (kulupu pi toki pona [])
- ma ante pi ijo ante. yk, the superior
- The Toki Pona XMPP group
- I am a member of Discord, but it is confusing and don’t use it
- urbit
- fedi & tumblr
- Will be joining many of the communities soon.
- Scratch
- Scratch (kulupu pi toki pona)
- Matrix
- Small discord server with my friends dedicated to getting them to learn toki pona
- fediverse, matrix
- Discord, Tumblr
- Discord (Learn Toki Pona)
- Tumblr.
- None
- Matrix
- kulupu pi toki pona (scratch studio)
- Whatsapp group with friends
- irc
- translating touhou games into toki pona (not so much a community though)
- tp gc
- none :( i sometimes browse twitter, reddit, tiktok and youtube but i havent participated
- minecraft
- mi lon kulupu ala.
- Revolt
- ilo Masi, ilo Lemi
- mi sona ala e kulupu pi toki pona
- ilo Matrix
- ilo Jutu en ilo Seka
- mi lukin e lipu Wesi lon tenpo lili taso
- ilo WhatsApp
- chuff’s toki pona videos, Toki Utala app
- mi toki e jan 🧁 - mi wawa ala e sona pi toki pona
- toki tawa jan ante li ike tawa mi, taso mi wile toki tawa jan ante.
- kulupu pi ilo Siko pi ma pona pi toki pona ala
- ilo IRC
- ilo sete en ilo insaka? (snapchat and instagram), mi toki tawa jan pona mi
- ##tokipona lon nasin Libera.Chat
- ilo Masoton (, ilo Pitu (
- ilo IRC (Libera.Chat ##tokipona)
- ilo IRC pi kulupu Lipewa
- ilo XMPP
- (XMPP) (taso jan ala li toki lon ni)
- toki pona ma Pasila
- ninguna
- Fediverse
- ma toki pona VR, Projekto Babel
- Neniu cximomente :)
- tokisocial, kvankam mi preskaŭ neniam uzas ĝin. Mi ne estas en ma pona pi toki pona.
- Matrix Servilo „tokipona" kaj
Particles - head nouns
Unsurprisingly, most people use jan as head nouns before their names. There is a non-insignificant number of people using other head nouns. For instance, a consistent 4% of people use kulupu, which is commonly used by plural systems.
- lon
- konokolo (nimisin, "autism")
- I use jan publicly, otherwise there's a number I use privately and interchangeably
- monsuta , namako
- tonsi
- ko
- meli
- I usually have the head noun excluded when conversing in English with people who know of toki pona.
- ko
- kili
- soko
- pipi tomo
- nimi
- len, suno, ala, lipu, poki, telo
- nasa, ola
- taso
- soko
- monsuta
- tonsi
- fae (but half-jokingly)
- jan kijetesantakalu
- tonsi/mije
- soko
- “jan usawi” when i'm feeling mystical
- right now i use jan but im considering changing it
- been experimenting with "ilojan" for "cyborg". dunno if that's phonetically correct, but theres this disabled poet formally named Jillian Weise who uses Cy as an honorific, and as a disabled person myself, i think thats neat
- lon, ala
- kiwen
- jan mute
- I use "mun" but as part of my online tag. I don't actually think of myself as mun in any way
- soko
- kiwen
- I wasn't aware there was an alternative to jan, so I have to look into that
- kili
- janso (jan + soweli)
- soko
- kijete
- is mije considered one?
- suno
- misa
- kon
- mute
- waso telo
- ko
- telo
- tomo, ma
- jan soweli because I am a furry
- my name is just "lipu," nothing else more, just the word "lipu"
- no head nouns
- None (for onomatopedia like "GYAAAH!")
- sitelen
- jan akesi
- I am not sure yet
- Kese
- telo
- akesi pi luka waso
- mun
- pan
- poki
- monsuta
- This is cringe furry garbage
- did not realize this was an option
- pan
- mute, aja, waken, seme, maybe others
- pali
- lon linluwi la mi sike
- soko
- tonsi
- tonsi
- mun
- kili
- monsuta
- custom-made word "jansa"
- Lon
- meli
- lili, tonsi
- Nasa
- poni
- tonsi
- molusa, nasa
- I'm too new to know
- mun
- we are called kulupu, some of us are called other things.
- I don't know what those are yet
- poki nanpa pi...
- tonsi
- sona
- soko
- kiki
- kili loje
- kije
- tonsi
- unpa
- tonsi
- jasima, kon
- mijo
- kili, sewi
- Any
- Well now that we know we can do this, a lot. Very inclusive <3
- kili (ni li musi taso)
- mi sona ala
- kapesi
- sike
- ala, jan ala
- mi jo ala e nimi pi toki pona. taso sina ken kepeken e nimi "jan"
- lipu
- ona
- wan,kala
- soko
- isipin
- wawa
- mu
- monsuta
- kiwen, monsuta, ala
- tenpo lili la, me kepeken nimi "tonsi."
- kon
- tonsi, meli
- pan (ni li nimi pi musi taso)
- mi kepeken e nimi 'jan'. taso nimi ante li lon poka pi nimi 'jan'. mi wile ala toki e nimi mi lon ni, taso ona li sama ni: jan [nimi ante pi toki pona] [nimi pi toki pona ala]
- ala, tenpo, seme
- usa
- len
- kili
- ma, toki
- ko
- ni
- jan akesi seli
- nasa
- mi toki lon mi la, mi kepeken nimi "waso". taso, jan ale li ken kepeken nimi pi wile sina. mi kiwen tawa sina la, o kepeken nimi kiwen. nimi ale li pona tawa mi.
- ona
- ola
- ma
- o pana e nimi lawa. nimi mi li ken jan Tewan. taso ona li ken ante.
- mi kepeken e nimi musi “pepwi pekog” lon tenpo
- kule
- tonsi
- tonsi
- jan tonsi
- pan
- monsuta poki (pour pokémon)
Toki Pona media
This time many more people have consumed Toki Pona songs and videos, most likely due to the new content of this kind that has been produced since last census. Memes in /r/mi_lon are still going strong. lipu tenpo stays about the same and only a few people in proportion have checked other contents. I encourage you to check them out, they are very cool things. For instance, jan Pepa en soweli Kawa is a favorite of mine.
- the pu translation of the little prince
- the stuff from the recent short story competition
- online story translations, sona sin, monsuta zine
- "kijetesantakalu o" the comic, "SONA SIN" News in Toki Pona
- books translated by i dont remember
- Random poems
- I rarely consume Toki Pona media
- Toki Pona games
- reading stuff in ma pona
- toki pona wikipedia
- kalama musi tan jan Usawi
- Some original books written partially in toki pona, it was a choose your own adventure style story
- The dictionary (green coloured) and the complied vocab (black and white, two pages) (both online)
- SONA SIN by Aronora (youtube, news in TP)
- posts on lipu Wesi (r/tokipona)
- toki pona translation in minecraft
- various infographics (unknown)
- Jan Misali
- mi wile lukin e lipu ni. sina pona tan ni: sina sona tan ni: sina pana sona pi lipu ni e mi.
- Wikipesija
- soweli mu
- Pretty much any jan Misali videos w/ toki pona, r/Prolangs features Toki Pona a lot
- Luka Pona
- a toki pona game called Soweli Mu
- translation of monthy python and holy grail...
- Lipamanka's blog
- translations of fanfics into toki pona
- do toki pona gemini capsules count?
- memes on YouTube
- Still finding new content!
- art
- minecraft with the language set to toki pona
- uta monsuta and AstroRune toki pona
- Very briefly a broadcast, "kalama sin" i think
- anything produced from Toki Pona VR
- jan misali
- The short books included in the 'toki pona pal' app. The learning games as part of "nasin sona musi"
- lipu Wikipesija, sitelen sin
- everything jan Misali made about toki pona
- sitelen unpa (porn, usually from reddit like r/sitelenunpa)
- Lurking on ma pona
- Reading story by Anne, and Little Red Riding Hood (trans)
- kalama sin, "seme li sin?", and random stories translated into toki pona
- toki pona games
- A couple of zines with titles I do not remember
- some things by jan Misali
- memes from kama sona discord sometimes
- stuff by jan Misali
- lipu pi jan Inwin
- Toki pona livestreams
- discord memes
- sitelen sin
- uta monsuta
- that news jawn on youtube
- games on and Scratch
- seme li sin, toki lili lon ma kasi, kalama sin
- sitelen tawa "Biermädchen“
- tenpo pini anu tenpo lon la, tenpo pini la mi lukin li kute e ijo pi toki pona pi mute nanpa wan.
- sitelen tawa "seme li sin"
- lipu Wikipesija
- kijetesantakalu o
- ale
- kalama sin, toki mute pi jan ante lon ma pona pi toki pona
- kalama sin, jan Sitata (tan kon Eman Ese. jan Kala li ante e toki), lipu pi kulupu SCP,
- kalama sin, uta monsuta
- sitelen musi pi ma pona pi toki pona
- sona li wan :-p
- lipu lili pi "jaki pona"
- tenpo sike suno ante la mi lukin mute e ma pona pi toki pona e lipu tenpo. tenpo ni la mi lukin ala.
- lipu pi jan Inwin
- kalama sin, sitelen tawa pi ma Yutu (youtube)
- mi lukin, mi kute e ijo mute lon tenpo pi mute lili. mi awen ala sona e nimi ijo.
- jan Pensa li pali e ni: toki musi pi jan monsuta loje
- kalama sin, utala musi pi jan Lakuse
- lipu Wikipesija
- ilo Instagram
- musi Manka pi ma pona pi toki pona
- sitelen pi nimi mute. toki e jan. ni sitelen.
- seme li sin?
- sitelen tawa "seme li sin"
- Toki Pona Podcast RSS address:
- r/tokipona, дискорд сервера
- kijetesantakalu o
- jan lawa lili
- toki nasa
- nasin suli pi jan Melin, meli lili pi len loje, wikipesija
- Mi memoras videon, kie homo parolas pri plantoj tokipone
Writing systems
The data regarding writing systems is quite similar to the last census. The only significant difference is that now 71% of people reported to at least know sitelen pona, while this figure was 61% before. This might be due to new better systems to write and interact with sitelen pona in different platforms and the ensuing new content created in sitelen pona. It is nice that so many people are learning sitelen pona. To put this number in perspective, more people report to know sitelen pona than people that report that they know 8 or more of the 17 Ku suli words.
Sign languages of Toki Pona
As last time, almost nobody knows any sign language of Toki Pona. Although a significant number of people are interested and were interested last time, very few people have learned it. The number of people that know any Toki Pona signed language has increased though: from 5 to 9 people for toki pona luka and from 1 to 10 for Luka Pona. We show the regular plots and then the same plots with logarithmic so the bars are wide enough for you to click on them and see the numbers.
And these are the plots with log scale.
About you!
Around half of the people responding were under 20, and around a third are in their 20s. Note that most bars specify a range of 10 years but we asked about the 20s by using two ranges. People that responded using Toki Pona tend to be older. The number of people under 20 has increased from 47% to 52.1% since last time, indicating that many of the new people in the community are in this segment.
Toki Pona is known all around the globe. The biggest communities are in North America and Europe. Again, take into account that this doesn’t necessarily mean an overwhelming majority of people that know Toki Pona live in North America or Europe, just that the respondents were from these places. In proportion, the North America segment grew more than the Europe one, which could mean that the rate of growth for the North America Toki Pona community is larger.
Once more, more people reported that their gender is tonsi than people specifying meli. There were many more mije than anything else. However, note that the percentage for meli increased from 18.7% to 24% and correspondingly the one for mije decreased from 64.3% to 55.9%. Also, this time there is a slight higher multiplicity of answers: last time, percentages added up to 128.4% and this time they add up to 136.5%.
There are not very big differences between the global and the Toki Pona segments, except maybe slightly less people identifying as tonsi in the Toki Pona group.
Btw, read this post if you are interested in a board game about language inspired by Toki Pona.
- Boxing people into genders, which are feally just arbitrary collections of descriptive words, is stupid. I'm not "masculine" or "feminine" or anything in between, if you gotta deacribe me use actual descriptors like "pretty" or "strong" or "short-tempered".
- genderqueer
- binary trans
- tonsi tu (dual souled, kinda like bigendered, not the same as two s because I am not an American Indian)
- I think mije but I'm not sure
- demiboy
- soweli loje
- ferret
- Genderfluid
- possibly genderfluid/genderflux
- gender fluid
- trans man / transmasc
- genderfluid, tonsi ko
- many xenic and neogenders
- demigender
- kule, ilo, akesi, kasi
- Demigirl
- kasi kipisi - thorned plant
- tonsi telo - genderfluid
- N/A
- i also use plenty of xenogenders
- mostly mije
- Im genderfluid, but generally present feminine.
- Transfeminine Non-Binary
- demigirl or (trans) girl either works
- bigender / plural
- Genderfluid
- Enby (feminine-aligned / demigirl)
- kule telo
- non-binary but very feminine
- i think mije but still questioning
- Body is trans-masc but gender varies between system members. You could put this under “Systemgender”
- telo - Fluid
- demifluid / abimegender
- How is "trans" a gender? Don't trans people switch from their biological gender to the one they prefer?
- ijo
- I'm a trans woman but you put trans and woman separate which is confusing
- I am genderfluid
- Pangender fem-leaning
- I consider myself genderqueer, but use the umbrella term nonbinary for simplicity
- system, so it's complicated
- soweli
- No, generally
- i identify as mije tonsi
- tonsi meli - feminine-leaning nonbinary
- transmasc
- ramigender
- I often use xenogenders to describe my identity
- genderfluid
- miji - tonsi
- male-ish cis. sometimes i feel like an ino
- Genderfluid, demigirl-fem
- plural, genders vary
- “whatever” is the main word
- ijo, soweli
- ijo
- I'm just me
- mi meli li jo e palisa unpa
- demigirl
- genderfluid
- waso
- soweli kute
- mi tonsi. taso, kule mi li tonsi ala. ona li nasin kama meli.
- (kon mi li sama ala tonsi. taso kon mi la kule mute en kule ala li ken lon.)
- sijelo mi li mije, taso ni li wawa ala tawa mi. mi mije ala, meli ala, tonsi ala. mi jan taso
- does mi sona ala make my gender monsuta /j
- tenpo open pi kon mi la, sijelo mi li mije. taso, mi sona ala e kule mi. ken la, mi mije. mi sona ala.
- ante
- mi mute li ante a
- tonsi pi kule ale. ni li kon kule tonsi nasa mi
- mi ante lon tenpo ante
- akesi
- ona li telo lili. ona li ken kama ante.
- jan. (English: They/them or he/him, former preferred.)
- mi toki pona ala e kon ni a... toki ni la mi wile toki lon ijo lili sama len sama kule namako sama kon kulupu.
- para describirme uso "mije", que para mi solo describe mi sexo biológico, no adscribo al género (incluído agénero que sería lo más cercano)
- 非常规性别认可者
- ni estas pluralsistemo, do respondi estas iom malfacile
- meli tonsi
Atheism and Agnosticism were the most selected answers in the religion/philosophy question, adding up to around 3 out of 4 people. These data are very similar to last time.
- Unitarian Universalism
- kemeticism
- pantheism
- Humanism
- [*confusion*]
- Animism
- Well I actually believe all objects exist, so kinda all but not really.
- Not really religious
- it’s complicated
- converting to judaism
- Witchcraft, questioning
- pa
- none
- satanism
- Spiritualism
- None
- Mysticism
- Ambiguous Spiritualism
- A personal system of beliefs
- 🤷
- Pantheism
- I'm incredibly syncretic and almost wish to desire to select all of these. but "Buddhist Jewish atheist" is good enough for a short survey i guess
- Hellenism
- i don't know-ism
- personal belief pattern
- not sure atm lol
- different headmates have different belief systems, I selected the ones we practise most
- southern baptist but my church was very gay
- satanism
- still unsure
- Stoicism
- Atheopagan eclectic witchcraft
- kijetesantakaluism
- Quaker, no longer calling myself Christian
- but also like it's... complicated. i have a complicated relationship with religion
- My beliefs are pluralist (I'm always picking up new ideas from different traditions and incorporating them into my world-view)..
- No Idea
- Reconstructionist Hellenistic Paganism
- “Shamanism”
- Questioning
- None.
- i do not practice religion
- agnostic quaker
- Discordianism
- Optimistic skeptic
- humanist (maybe? havent looked much into it)
- raised Christian
- Declining Mormon, interested in Buddhism, interested in self-discovery.
- Wouldnt apply myself to any
- theist
- irreligion
- Discordianism
- norse heathenry
- I would also consider myself a Satanist, which is basically atheist but more likely to strike a conversation.
- Unitarian Universalism
- Nonreligious
- Questioning
- Pantheism
- Atru, Nälkä, Mekhanism, LTP
- i sometimes believe in greek gods, sometimes all gods, sometimes none, i don't know, i'm more of a universe guy and fate guy
- Pantheism
- i am open to all nasin sewi
- I just think it's all so neat!
- none
- Satanism
- Unsure
- Discordianism
- varies between headmates
- gnosticism
- i believe in gods but respect none of them
- Pantheism, Christianity
- Personal guiding superstitons
- Discordian
- Atheistic Satanist (The Satanic Temple)
- Animism
- satanism
- Entropism
- Gnosticism, Hermeticism
- spiritism
- Catholicism (Roman Catholic)
- questioning this too. no specific denomination decided
- I feel drawn to some version of Atheistic-Shinto practice.
- fyrnsidu (Asatru)
- Kopimism
- Humanitarianism
- Zhanbunism
- Shinto
- non-wiccan witchcraft, a form of pantheism
- Considering athiesm
- Varies on system members, not a full list: Kemetic, Druid, Demonolater
- Discordianism, Eclectic witchcraft, Chaos magick, personal belief systems
- Agnostic
- Ethical Veganism, as a philosophy and not a religion.
- Intense Confusion
- Deism
- confucianism maybe ???????
- hellenic polytheist
- Agnostic spiritualism
- Humanism
- Don't know
- not applicable, I hold no religious/spirutual beliefs, nor any interest in them.
- omnism
- fatalism
- Not atheism, but my own seperate beliefs not connected to a particular religion
- native american (mvskoke and tsalagi) spiritual beliefs
- Complicated
- Nonreligious
- Just to belive.
- Atheopagan
- Modern Satanism
- none, but I wouldn't call myself atheist or agnostic. I just don't care. my philosophy teacher called it apatheist
- Deism
- Jewish atheist
- making up my own religion
- non-dualism
- Satanism
- It’s complicated
- Satanism
- i think religion is the only thing seperating humans and other animals. i think it's super important but i was also raised atheist so idk what i believe in!
- not sure
- pastafarianism (as a "joke")
- Anarxism, Chaos Magic
- Satanism
- Animist
- I believe that a god theoretically could exist, but it's highly unlikely compared to other options like natural evolution, a boltzmann brain, or a simulation.
- Satanism
- Pastafarism
- Mormon
- Unitarian Universalist
- unspecificed animism
- Räelist
- Jainism
- Questioning, parts of multiple, shinto
- Roman Catholic
- Nihilism
- Specifically I am a Norse Heathen
- Unitarian Universalism
- Pantheism
- It is complicated
- Satanism
- deist
- mi toki e ni: sewi li lon. taso seme?
- mama mi li pana e sona pi nasin Kisijan. taso, ni li lawa lili e mi.
- mi sona ala e lon pi jan sewi. taso jan sewi li lon la, mi wile ala pana e mi tawa ona.
- nasin Jejusin, [o sona e ni: mi anu e anu 'nasin Jejusin' tan ni: sona mi la, ona en nimi Inli 'Judaism' li wile toki e sama. ni li lon ala la, pana sona mi li pakala.]
- nasin sewi ale li pona
- nasin mi li tan nasin Sinto li tan nasin Puta li tan nasin pona
- sewi li lon ale. sewi li sama ala jan. sewi li ken sama wawa ale.
- nasin pi monsuta pan sewi
- satanism is pretty funny idk maybe ill join
- jan toki pi jan sewi Jawe
- ante
- ale li nanpa (ni li ken nasin sewi ala)
- mi sona ala e nasin sewi mi
- ale li sewi
- nasin Jejusin
- nasin pi sewi mi
- mi sona ala li pana wile ala
- mi la sewi mute li lon
- nasin Satan (Satanism)
- nasin sewi mi li nasa lili tawa jan Jesuwa :P
- nasin pi mama sewi
- insa pi nasin sewi ali li sona sama. o lukin e ijo suli e jan ante. ijo ni li suli. ijo mi li lili.
- nasin pi jan Puta, nasin pi jan Satan
- mi sona ala. mi alasa
- nasin Lakota
- nasin Satan
- mi lon kulupu ala pi nasin sewi, taso mi pilin sewi kepeken kulupu ala. mi pilin sewi tawa ale.
- nasin Discordia
- mi jan pi Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- nasin pi sewi Jesu pi jan Pelo (toki Inli la: Catholic)
- gnosis, esoterismo
- ambiguo
- Voodoo brasileño
- antitheism
- Dyskordianizm
- kijetesantakalu /j
- 共产主义支持者
- 海奥华
- 飞面神教
- Diismo
- Diskordianismo
- Gnostikismo
- Bahaa kredo
How many languages do tokiponists know?
Despite that this year more people reported to know Toki Pona, the percentage of people speaking exactly 1 or 2 languages has increased, while the one for 3 languages remains the same and the one for 4, 5 and 6 languages decreased. Note that this year we specified that you would speak these languages with some degree of fluency, which could account for the change in the data. Around 5% of people said they know 6 or more languages, some of which could be other conlangs.
What languages do tokiponists know?
Most people are fluent in English. There is a great variety of languages represented here. Because this year we allowed to specify a language with its level, we got more information that was not there before. For instance, there is a large amount of people that are learning or know a bit of Japanese, despite that there are not so many fluent Japanese speakers. This new data also show that many people are learning or know a bit of Finnish and American sign language, which were two languages that scored much lower last time when we only asked whether you knew the languages.
The original options of this question were chosen to be the most common languages selected in the last census. People could indicate other languages that they knew and any relationship they had with them. In the graph, all languages that appeared at least 5 times (0.3%) are depicted. This question asked for your level in the language, so if you did not indicate it, this datum was not used for the graph. Some people specified again languages that were asked in the two questions with options (conlangs and default natural languages). These were not counted twice. We show the global plot twice: once with a regular scale, in order to appreciate the proportions, and another one with logarithmic scale, in order to make it easy to read it for the languages that were not so common. The free answer data was too sparse among the toki pona respondents, so we did not use it for the plot. In the free answer box below, all the data appears (the one that was used for the graph and the one that was not)
Recall that you can tap on the bars to see their labels and their numbers.
- toki Alpa - Scottish Gaelic, toki Sukosi - Scots
- toki Pokasi - Bulgarian - Български, beginner
- toki Ekadi - Basque - Euskara, intermediate
- Yiddish, ASL
- Guernsey french , to help keep the language from dying out.
- toki Mosijo - Hungarian - magyar
- toki Epelanto - Esperanto - learning
- toki Nepali - Nepali - nepali, conversational , heritage language
- (don't know a tokiponisation) - West Frisian - Westerlauwersk Frysk, native, heritage language
- toki Punsapi - Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, intermediate, heritage language
- toki Nijon- mi ken kama sona pi kute
- toki Epelanto - Esperanto, beginner
- toki Lomuni
- toki Keluke - Irish Gaelic - Gaeilge
- toki Latin - Latin - lingua latina
- Cajun French, Fluent
- Moroccan Darija
- toki Lesepe - Luxembourgish - Lëtzebuergesh, very low, forgotten (previously could consume media)
- toki Male - Malay - Bahasa Melayu
- Nepali
- toki Sumi - Finnish - suomea
- toki Jolupa - Yoruba, beginner , heritage language
- my own conlang
- Latin
- toki Sopetesina - Slovak - Slovečina, beginner
- Swiss German, fluent, not necessarily a language but i prefer to see it as one
- toki Ingli, native. toki Epanja, intermediate. toki Nijon, beginner.
- - Chilean Sign Language - Lengua de Señas Chilena (LSCh), A1
- toki Italian, French, English
- toki Losupan - Lojban - lo jbobau, intermediate
- toki Pelalusi - Belarusian - беларуская, native
- toki nowe - Norwegian - Norsk
- Norwegian
- Icelandic, Norwegian, Faroese
- toki Inti - Hindi - हिंदी, toki Malaju - Malay - Bahasa Melayu
- toki Pasi - Persian - - very basic knowledge, want to learn again فارسی
- West Frisian, Anglish
- toki Mijama - Burmese, beginner
- Spanish: Can ask important questions, everything else I'm okay at except Japanese: I know hiragana and a couple kanji
- BSL - studied to level 2 at university
- toki Inli - English - English, native, toki Epanja - Spanish - Español, conversational, spoken with extended family, toki Italija - Italian - italiano, intermediate
- Spanish - Intermediate Japanese - Intermediate English - Fluent
- toki Lowasi - Croatian - Hrvatski, native
- toki Losupan - Lojban - la .lojban., beginner
- toki Mayowi - Māori - Te Reo , learning it for a friend
- toki Mon Ta - White Hmong - hmoob dawb, beginner/learning
- Dutch, native
- toki Inli -English- fluent, toli pona -Toki Pona -intermediate toki Isita - Hebrew - Beginner toki Epanja - Spanish - Beginner
- Toki Esi - Estonian - Eesti keel, fluent, native language
- Romanian
- toki Sopisi - Serbian - Srpski/Српски, native
- toki Lowenki - Slovak - slovenčina, native
- i can tell when someone is insulting me in Arabic, lol (heritage lang, grew up surrounded by it)
- tagalog
- Old Norse, Old English, Akkadian
- toki Kuloasi - Croatian - hrvatski, native
- toki Seki - Czech - čeština, toki Lowenki -Slovak - slovenčina
- toki Ijo - Various - intermediate, I don't think programming languages count but I'm changing up the data anyway. potato potato potato oh this isn't a short answer
- toki Inli - English - la angla, native, toki Epelanto - Esperanto - Esperanto, beginner
- toki Lowasi - Croatian - hrvatski, native
- thai intermediate
- toki Pankala - Bangla - বাংলা, native but illiterate
- French - really basic
- toki Pokasi - Bulgarian - Български, native
- toki luka Wensa - Swedish Sign Language, can converse, toki somi - Finnish - Suomi, learning , mother tongue
- toki Epelanto - Esperanto - Esperanto, intermediate
- American Sign Language
- Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt, intermediate, heritage language
- toki Malayu - Malay - Bahasa Melayu, toki Inti - Hindi - हिंदी
- Esperanto beginner
- toki Kanse - French - Français , heritage language, toki ? - Cantonese - 廣東話 , best friends heritage language, toki Losi - Russian - русский , heritage language, toki Posuka - Polish - Polski , heritage language, toki ? - Irish Gaelic - Gaeilge , heritage language, toki ? - Scottish Gaelic - Gàidhlig , heritage language
- Serbo Croatian, learning
- Minimal Māori, Minimal Central Arrernte, minimal Mongolian
- toki Sumi - Finnish - Suomi
- Galician, native. Na'vi, learning.
- toki Lowensina - Slovenian - slovenščina, native, toki luka Lowensina - Slovenian Sign Language - slovenski znakovni jezik, intermidiate, toki Lowasa - Croatian - hrvatski, can converse
- toki Lowasi - Croatian - Hrvatski, can converse
- Te Reo Māori (know a bit)
- ancient Greek, classical Latin
- Lithuanian, native
- toki Espanja - Spanish - Español, native, toki Inli - English - English, advanced
- toki Panka - Bengali - বাংলা, fluent
- Danish, learning
- Klingon, beginner
- toki Lesepe - Luxembourgish - Lëtzebuergesh, beginner, forgotten (previously intermediate) toki Sonko - Chinese - 中文, intermediate, semi-heritage (was heritage speaker, then forgot, but still have a general advantage with the language)
- American Sign Language
- toki Kulumu (?) - Crimean Tatar - qırımtatar tili, beginner, heritage language
- Māori
- Icelandic
- toki mosijo, hungarian
- toki Kalisa - Galician - galego, native
- toki Panla - Bangla - বাংলা, learning
- toki Sepijan - Serbian, learning, knowing russian helps but otherwise im just picking it up
- toki Inli - English - English, fluent, toki pi mama mi - my mother tongue - my mother tongue, fluent
- toki ? - Latin - Latina
- my language is armenian
- toki Kereko - Greek - Ελλαδα - learning basic
- Esperanto, only a bit and i gave up
- French,class
- toki Epelanto - Esperanto - Esperanto, Beginner
- toki Tuki - Turkish - tükçe
- toki ordu - urdu, intermediate, mother tongue
- toki Jedisu - Yiddish - יִידיש
- toki sonko - Chinese - 中文, intermediate
- toki Ukawina - Ukrainian - українська мова, learning, toki Epanja - Spanish - español, learning, toki Mosijo - Hungarian - magyar nyelv, learning
- Español, required course, 日本語, learning for work/travel, English, native language
- I do not wish to disclose
- toki Epanja - Spanish - español, intermediate
- toki Posansi/Erpasi/Seki - Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian - Босански/Хрватски/Српски, fluent, toki Makedonsi - Macedonian - Македонски, native
- toki Ulukawi luka - Uruguayan Sign Language - Lengua de señas Uruguaya, advanced
- Swedish sign language, fluent
- toki Epilanto - Esperanto, intermediate
- toki Inli - English - English, fluent, toki Tosi - German - Deutsch, intermediate
- toki Inli - English - English, Native, toki Sonko - Chinese - 中文, learning
- toki Wije - Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt, beginner
- Irish
- toki Satinija - Sardinian - sardu - native
- toki Mosijo - Hungarian - magyar , heritage language
- toki Epelanto - Esperanto - Esperanto, beginner
- toki Apikan - Afrikaans - Afrikaans, learning, learning at school.
- toki Esuka - Basque - Euskara, beginner
- toki Tawi, Thai, ภาษาไทย, native
- toki Nosiki - Norwegian - norsk
- Tamil, Hindi
- Latin - linguae latinae, academic language
- my mother tongue - toki pi mama mi - nice format ngl, native/fluent
- Greek
- Ukrainian
- toki Pisaja - Cebuano, know a bit, native languge
- Esperanto, learning, Ithkuil, learning,
- toki Tawi - Thai - ไทย, fluent
- toki Tansi - Danish - Dansk, native language
- Spanish- intermediate, english- fluent, toki pona- intermediate
- toki Tami - Tamil - தமிழ், native
- Toki Lasina - Latin - Latīna , Toki Nose - Old Norse - Donskmál
- toki Abi - Arabic - العربية
- toki Konton - Cantonese - 廣東話
- British sign language, beginner
- toki Pokasi - Bulgarian - български, native
- American Sign Language
- toki Lipuwalija - Ripuarian - Ripoarisch, intermediate, heritage language
- Frisian, native
- toki Tawi - Thai - ภาษาไทย - native/fluent
- toki Hawaii - Hawaiian - ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, intermediate , toki Navajo - Navajo - Diné Bizaad, beginner. (Couldn’t find any toki pona names for either of these languages anywhere, apologies).
- toki Epanja - Spanish - Español, intermediate
- Fluent Doric - a dialect of N Scotland
- toki Epalanto, kama sona
- Lithuanian, learning.
- toki Tami - Tamil - தமிழ், learning
- English, native, Spanish, intermediate
- American Sign Language
- toki indo - Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia, heritage language
- toki Inli - English - English, fluent, native language, toki Kanse - French - Français, learning
- toki Tusun - Dusun, can converse, heritage language
- german, toki mama, english, french, italian, turkish, greek, icelandic, toki pona, mi olin e ona.
- ,
- toki luka Mewika
- toki Lowasi - Croatian - hrvatski
- toki luka pi ma Mewika - American sign language - ASL
- mi ken toki lili e toki ni: toki luka Mewika - ASL, toki Alan - Irish - Gaelige
- toki Malasi - Marathi/Marāṭhī - मराठी
- toki Inli - English - English
- toki Takalo - Tagalog - Tagalog, tenpo pini la mi kama sona lili e toki Epanja e toki Kanse e toki Lasina e toki Anku. tenpo lon la mi sona ala e toki ni.
- toki Apikan - Afrikaans - Afrikaans
- toki Ukasina - Ukrainian - українська
- toki Tuki - Turkish - Türkçe,toki Alapi - Arabic - العامية,toki Alapi - Arabic - العربية
- toki Siseti - Swiss German - Schwizerdütsch
- toki Kanton - Cantonese - 粵語
- toki Luwenija - Slovenian - Slovenščina
- toki Inli - English, toki mama, toki Kanse - French - français, mi kama sona tan tomo sona pi toki tu (toki Inli en toki Kanse) lon sike luka luka tu tu
- toki Kali - Scottish Gaelic - Gàidhlig, toki Sukosi - Scots - Scots/Lallans
- toki mosijo
- toki Alapi - Arabic - العربية
- toki Tanma - Danish - dansk
- toki Lawi - Latvian - latviešu valoda
- toki Kele - Irish - Gaeilge
- toki Lasina - Latin - Lingua Latina
- toki Italija- Italian- Italiano, toki Epanja- Spanish- español, toki Inli- English
- toki Sumi - Finnish - suomi
- toki Ukawina - Ukrainian - українська
- toki Sopisi - Serbo-Croatian - Srpskohrvatski, toki mama
- toki No anu toki Nosiki - Norwegian - Norsk
- toki Iwisi - Hebrew - עברית
- toki Tosi - German - deutsch, mi kama sona tan tomo sona lon tenpo sike tu wan
- toki Epanja - Spanish - español, toki ni li sama la mi ken sona li ken toki lili.
- "toki Apilikan - Afrikaans, toki mama mi", "toki Sepeli - Northern Sotho -Sepedi, mi ken toki e ni pona", "toki Isisulu - Zulu - IsiZulu, mi toki lili e ni"
- toki Tosi - German - Deutsch,toki Kanse - French - français
- toki Inli - English - English
- toki Inli - English - English
- toki Takalo - Filipino - tagalog
- toki Esi - Estonian - eesti keel
- toki Lowenki - Slovak - slovenčina
- ona li mute la mi wile ala pana
- toki Awisi - Haitian Creole - Kreyól ayisyen
- toki Alape - Arabic - عربية, toki Elena pi tenpo pini - Koine Greek - Ελληνιστική Κοινή, toki Iwisi - Hebrew - עִבְרִית, toki Lasina - Latin - lingua latina, toki Inli pi tenpo pini - Old English - Englisċ
- toki Mosijo - Hungarian - Magyar
- mama mi li toki e toki Lowenki - Slovak - slovensky
- toki luka Mewika - American Sign Language - ASL
- toki Tansi
- toki luka Epanja, mi kama sona tan jan pi kute ala
- Árabe - Estudié 6 meses pero hablo y escribo mucho poco, Portuñol - español y portugués añadido, muy originario en región fronteriza brasileña con países hispanohablantes,
- toki Catala - Catalan - Català
- toki Potuke - Portuguese - portugués, puedo hablar fluidamente, lengua materna
- Toki Kazakh
- toki Kalisa - Galician - español, puedo hablar, toki Potuke - Portuguese- español, aprendiendo
- toki ajasijen- haitian creole - kreyol ayasyen puedo hablar
- toki Epanja - Spanish - Español, lengua nativa, toki Inli - English - English, fluido
- toki Sisilija - sicilianu, puedo hablar
- tplo Selonka - Schlesisch - ślůnska godka, flüssig
- Toki epelanto, fließend
- toki Lasina - Latin - lingua Latīna
- Казахский, B2
- toki luka Anku - 한국수어(Korean Sign Language) - (문자 없음, Not written), 중급
- toki Anku - 한국어, 모어, toki Inli - 영어 - English, 중급, 국가교육. toki Nijon - 일본어 - 日本語, 초-중급,
- toki Inli - English - English - płynny, toki Epanja - Spanish - Español - coś między początkującym a zaawansowanym, toki Nijon - Japanese - 日本語 - uczę się go od kilku miesięcy, toki Posuka - Polish - Polski - rodzimy
- toki Milato-Mirad-仅仅只是了解
- toki Konton - Cantonese - 粵語
- toki Kalisa - ガリシア語 - galego, ネイティブ
- La turka
- toki Sonko pi tenpo pini - Classical Chinese - 文言文 (baze)
- la angla (denaska), Loĵbano (flua), Esperanto (flua), Loglano (meznivela), Tokipono (meznivela), la hispana (meznivela), la japana (baznivela), la portugala (baznivela), Toango (baznivela)
- la nengatuan
What conlangs do tokiponists know?
A significant amount of people (around one out of four) knows at least another conlang besides Toki Pona. This number has decreased from around one out of three from last time. Esperanto is the most commonly known conlang. Note that the scale here is logarithmic as well, in order to visualize the unfrequently known languages well.
- Matoran, 2nd Edition
- tokςavi, Draconic
- D'ní
- ling xian
- dusolulu
- raco, ailang, sanila, others
- Tutnese, though I don’t entirely consider it a conlang rather a cultural language but I know sometimes people do so? If it counts??
- tuki tiki
- Interslavic
- Peejosa
- I am looking to learn Toki Ma and work on their website
- I started learning esperanto 76 days ago, not sure if that counts
- The other conlangs I am bit fluent in
- Learning Esperanto
- peejosa
- tokilipu
- Meyhendgar
- a small conlang, dont even know if its supposed to be called a conlang, i'd say its an English phonetic cipher relex, with a few grammar tweaks
- a conlang/ficlang i made, di'acala
- Interlingue, Pandunia, Mini
- English
- ...but I would like to, Láadan in particular!
- Ligodu
- I am learning esperanto, but can't really speak it well
- kisuwi
- god i wish
- Interslavic
- vjossa/viossa (a bit)
- Some random small conpidgin
- I’m only familiar a little with Esperanto.
- baltai halaso
- Ender
- don't speak but learned esperanto a bit and interested in ido.
- griuskant
- Ok we know the grammar of kay(f)bop(t) so we’re like? Halfway there somehow?? Right??
- Lang Belta
- i know a little esperanto from duolingo but thats it
- trying to learn esperanto !
- globasa (learning)
- mi isipin nasa e ni: toki Iwisi sin (Modern Hebrew) li toki sin
- pifdofwaś
- other eisenlangs, interlingua, elefen, sanila
- Interslavic
- Personal languages
- Interlingua
- my own, Kōey (WIP)
- note: i am learning esperanto but not good
- kawaba :3
- tuki tiki
- tana tata (tokiponido)
- Okokier
- Verdurian
- I learned a bit of Na'vi but forgot most of it. I know my own conlangs in theory.
- luka pona
- mi kama sona e toki Mesulojanki (Međuslovjańsky język)
- blissymbolics
- Medzsuslovjanski
- tuki tiki
- mi kama sona e toki Polapu (Volapük) e toki Epelanto
- toki pali ante tan mi en kulupu mi
- toki Teko (ni li toki sin mi)
- toki Elepen - Elefen
- toki Towan - Toaq
- Interlingua
- Volapük
- topo
- Kittog, a conlang from South Korea, having some more speakers.
- 科夫语(Kofu Hara)
- Je travaille sur la mienne, fortement inspirée du Toki Pona.
- Volapuko
- Volapük
- Loglano
Free-answer section
We asked people to add anything else they wanted and we received many responses. Throughout all the census, we published the data as it is. In this section, we removed a couple of messages that were private messages directed to us regarding removing previous duplicated responses due to errors or misunderstandings, which we did.
Thanks to everyone for participating! See you maybe at the next one, for which we will probably wait more time than what we did last time. Until then: o musi kepeken toki pona.
- i will now be consuming all the toki pona media listed omg
- hii :3
- ale li pona
- This isn’t very relevant to this form, but I really do wish that more resources were available regarding the toloponization(?) of words. The only good links I could find had their content deleted, and the others were difficult to understand. (I think Nepali fits toki pona standards for words? I’m not sure.)
- jan Imuposuta li ike!
- sina pona a!
- I am not still learning Toki Pona- just still active in ma ante.
- The concept of partially converse is hard, I can converse in many languages, but actually speaking them I would say there are only 5, I am too weak in all others.
- uwulang best lang
- This community is much more queer, accepting, and all around friendly than i had i expected/remebered. I'd say thats a huge part of why i enjoy it so much, because i feel like i belong here. Recently I was hit with a huge wave of depression and even contemplated suicide, but learning toki pona helped distract me for long enough to think with a clearer mind. I will be getting therapy, dont worry lol, but I want to express my graditude towards the community. I'd likely be dead in a ditch somewhere if it werent for all the wonderful people here. I'm nowhere near fluency, but I'll be striving for "conversationally suficient" for as long as I draw breath. Have a nice day, sina pona :)
- sina pona <3
- e
- help how do i type
- TRANS RIGHTS 🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️
- The VRChat community is really amazing, more people every week, really friendly and welcoming (VR optional!)
- Did you seriously ask if I speak Ithkuil and/or Kay(f)Bop(t)?
- Kijetasantakalu started as a joke and I wish it had remained so.
- Luka Pona learner, but not Toki Pona itself
- I didn't know there was a Memrise course for this, but this survey alerted me to it - thank you very much!!
- i like cheese
- I love toki pona. It has been really good for my mental health :>
- Perhaps what pu words people don’t use. kala Asi’s Linku census showed this. For instance, I rarely use ‹mije› and ‹meli›, and I don’t use ‹lukin› (instead, I used the pu synonym ‹oko›, in the pu meaning, that’s why I put ‘know but don’t use’ under the question for ‹oko›).
- sina ale li pona mute a!
- I enjoyed learning toki pona, but ultimately I don't enjoy trying to navigate the community, which I find to be a bit of a social minefield. There's a certain attitude of "there are no rules, you can make your own nasin" that's popularized by some depictions of the language, but at the same time, there's a cohort of "actual" speakers of the language/long-standing community members who have strong opinions about what is and isn't proper toki pona, but at the SAME time, there's not much of a clear codification about what is and isn't this proper toki pona, and there's zero clear indication of who might be "authorized" to make decisions or speak for this "core community". It's like some people want there to be an agreed-on canon made by the people with a certain seniority in the language, but the general community setting's attitude of "there are no rules we're descriptivists do what you want" prevents any kind of formal recognition of such a thing. And I just don't enjoy trying to figure out such a quagmire, so I've mostly abandoned my interest in toki pona.
- Click to add text
- I’d like to have been able to distinguish reading ability vs conversation, I’m much stronger in toki pona and French with reading than live conversation in both.
- kurtoskalacs
- What toki pona resources would help me? / A beginner hour in the evenings on the Discord.
- 133 or 127 depending from the angle
- I highly appreciate the inclusion of Ithkuil and kay(f)bop(t) for the brave souls who dare say they speak it.
- I am learning Esperanto
- mu
- Thank you, census organizers!
- I am part of the ma toki pona VR group. the vrchat meetup group for learners and speakers of toki pona!
- not sure of the transliteration of vietnamese / tiếng việt (sorry!), but i am a passive speaker (learning / know a bit ?)
- I'd like to learn sitelen pona at some point/soon
- A third option for people who knew toki pona on the first question would be nice
- :)
- Being developmentally neurodivergent the radical simplicity of toki pona is remarkably appealing.
- I don't plan on purchasing pu or ku.
- I have made friends in toki pona discord servers, although I have not met anyone that doesn't already speak english. That is something I would like to do.
- jan poki jaki loje
- My answers must be a mess, since i've studied toki pona, and was pretty fluent at it, but with time i forgot it and haven't yet picked it up again
- Ma pona has a negative attitude to things outside a set of things that are 'pona', so it's not really welcoming if you're not aligned exactly, outside of trivial small talk or talk about the language. I've seen shit talk about toki ma, sitelen pona pona, certain nimi sin, and that one kana system. Doesn't really seem to be concerned with bad mouthing someone's expressive work if it's outside what vocal members like
- Please make the gender data public, I'm curious because I see most of the active members are trans/NB/GNC
- My knowledge of toki pona is currently very limited, but I would like to learn once I have time!
- I feel this form could have asked more about how people got here and what they hope to get out of Toki Pona. I’ve seen a lot of interesting conversations in the Discord server about it’s importance to people and I think it would be neat to measure that in some way maybe.
- Last year, there was this thing with separate analyses for people who chose to read the census in toki pona and those who chose any other language. it would be nice if this didn't happen this year, because it feels a bit discriminatory. i personally chose to use the English version of the survey because I know for sure it has been well tested and I vibe with English more than the other languages I am able to use. This is not a reflection of my skill level in toki pona.
- sorry im high as balls rn i hope i answered rhe questions right
- The “list of languages I speak” section is not nearly broad enough. Arabic has 490M speakers. 180M people speak Hindi. Wasn’t Included. Farsi has over 100M. Not there. almost 75M people speak Cantonese and it wasn’t an option. 10.5M people speak Swedish, which was included- and those other four weren’t? This is NOT a good selection of languages. (Sorry for the rant, but this should definitely be fixed next year.)
- I would have liked to see a question on how head nouns are used instead of which head noun one uses, to know how many people believe "jan" to correspond to something like "person" versus something like "human person". I'd consider the former definition a more useful term, for example to distinguish between a soweli person and a soweli non-person, but I'd like to know how other people stand on this.
- (learning Lojban, definitely can't have a full conversation in it yet lol but me taking this census la that counts as speaking it)
- Need a "none" option for most of the languages list
- no
- Sorry, I had to romanize the endonyms for hebrew because LTR/RTL layout weirdness
- I have only been learning Viossa for <1 month as of submitting on the 25th of September. It and Russian are the languages I've considered not to count under "In how many languages can you converse with some degree of fluency?" as I am still a beginner at both.
- mi toki nanpa kepeken sitelen nanpa kijetesantakalu. ni li pona a li musi a tawa mi.
- I do not have anything else to add.
- toki Kimansiki - Zazaki - Kirmanckî is my heritage language, but I don't speak it, nor am I learning it. I have answered Asia as the continent I'm in but I'm in a transcontinental country and I'm often in Europe as well. Maybe a transcontinental option or the ability to select multiple continents would be better.
- i've been in this community for a year and it has grew worse. every chill person i knew has already left. consider this as my goodbye.
- i'm gonna be honest, i used to be a lot more fluent in toki pona, but i forgot most of it lmao. i should really start relearning it
- I just wanted to thank you for making the form/sorting through the answers, big thumbs up
- ala
- Too many sign languages.
- <3 Thank you for taking the time to organize and perform this community census! <3
- I really enjoyed reading the results of last year’s census. Thank you for doing another! Also, I learned this language without owning pu or ku, but I hope to get both of them soon and improve my knowledge.
- I'm surprised that the "What other languages do you know?" poll doesn't include Arabic.
- I would like to see a question about "do you use toki pona for productivity?" For example, I help organize community events and we use toki pona in planning.
- I'm disabled. That wasn't something asked in the demographic data but it might be interesting to ask as an optional.
- mi olin e toki 💝💝💝💝
- This was good. I hope you census conductors are doing well :) ni li pona. mi wile e ni: jan pali sina li jo e sijelo pona :)
- Toki Pona is so cool! Initially I had no interest in the philosophical angle but as I learn it's becoming more interesting. Also, I feel that the potential similarity to early human language is very exciting!
- I was banned from the discord tried to appeal and was almost let back in but was not accepted because of my profile picture I have since changed it and am hoping to be unbanned from the discord (memerman helped with he process last conversed with them on 4/20/22
- I don't really use toki pona a whole lot, but it was fun and helpful for learning other languages. The main way I use it nowadays is with homework. For example, instead of writing in my notes, "because [A], there is [B]", I put, "[A] la, [B]". Or if I have a section about flora and fauna, I sometimes write kasi en soweli.
- yoooo whats good
- I first came to know about toki pona way earlier than I actually got to learn it in earnest. I think it was somewhere in the middle of 2000s. I was lazy to try it then.
- I think one thing that would really help learners is a course similar to the Memrise one where each meaning of a work is quizzed. For example, for "laso", two cards would be in the course - one for "blue" and one for "green". This would help people reach fluency much faster in my opinion.
- I am planning to learn toki pona
- toki pona is really cool and has an awesome community. mi olin e sina mute a!!
- Aspirations for the future of the language, such as sitelen pona inclusion in keyboard languages.
- My knowledge of toki pona is steadily declining, because I haven't found a use for me.
- Haven't really been able to practice toki pona cause eof everything, but interested in getting back into it. Excited to see the resources links,
- This lipu gave me a cool list of things to look into (media, different kinds of luka pona, other conlangs...), so thanks! (also many of the "other" toki pona words I included were mainly jokes that I'd use in very specific circumstances)
- I'd like to think I "know" toki pona, but I often struggle to come up with the intended meaning when presented with toki pona text. I can translate all the words, and maybe give some possible translations, but I'm not ever sure that what I read is what was written. I kinda wish that this was allowed to be expressed earlier, where instead of a simple "Check what you can do," it was a "Check how much you agree with," in that way you would be able to see how confident people are with their answers. Maybe you could even do both, for two different ways of checking that statistic.
- I believe that 'pona' is a larger philosophical concept rather than just the word for 'good, simple'
- hello have a nice day:) sina pona a
- I am technically a jan meli tonsi - a transgender woman, however the word "tonsi" also implies that I am nonbinary which I am not.
- Perhaps some questions on disability would be interesting - that is, to see what links there might be between disability and the Toki Pona community. The same would perhaps be interesting with regards to what content creators respondents follow/consume - again, to discover any links that might exist between them and the community, whether they are Toki Pona-adjacent or not [in the case of the latter, the link would be purely coincidental. but interesting nonetheless].
- I'd be interested in seeing what percentages of people have translated works.
- toki
- Toki Pona is an amazing language and has a wonderful community. Thank you to all who help others learn, and especially to those who create guides.
- local teen (me) is trying to translate the bee movie because he is nasa
- I’ve just started learning Esperanto, but I wouldn’t say I can speak it.
- I lied when I said I speak no other conlangs, they're just all homebrew languages of my own uwu
- finish basic, romani basic, arabic basic, albanian basic, latvian basic, hungarian beginner, turkish beginner
- Great census!! 11/10 epiku
- mu!
- Written and spoken proficiency could have be separated.
- shoutouts to jan Kekan San and all the organizers of the VRChat meetups, you're all superstars!
- This survey was a mess, I have small complaints about the "script" part. First of all, specifying/classifying the use of han characters to write toki pona into "Japanese" and "Chinese", this does not at all reflect the cultural dynamics between languages in sinosphere. You might have meant specifically using kana along with han characters to mean japanese, but what if you use kana for grammatical words while mostly using the mandarin usage for the characters, because you couldnt find adequate words for them? Besides, because of the shared history of classical chinese (not the same thing as Mandarin chinese, surprise! Just like how italian is not latin) a lot of the times han characters don't even have to be representing a particular culture! This is what I usually do when I use han characters for toki pona, I intentionally pick characters that are used in all of east asia! Also, did you know that different chinese varieties exist? and that they use wildly different words from standard chinese aka standard mandarin? They have their own words and characters for those. Are those included in "chinese"? Also isn't it weird that you translated "kanji/kana" as "sitelen Nijon" in the toki pona version, because now it's ambiguous! Do you check it if you only use kana but not han characters? By the way "native/fluent" "can converse" and "learning" are NOT the only major ways one can interact with languages. I decided to drop mentioning so many of the languages I only know a little but am not learning because you did not consider that possibility.
- We're a plural system, which seems to be a common thing in the discord. I'm kind of curious how common that is in the toki pona community.
- im curious to know what percentage of jan pi toki pona are furries or nasin unpa/olin ante (since tonsi is already covered here), because it's definitely higher than the general population.
- I wanna say that I find this interactions between the community so nice, just keep it up =)
- Can I have a hug
- i am 14 years old (i think that yous should have included more specific ages under 20, because i remember seeing at one point that like 40% of the tp community is under 18 or smt)
- The language is called ‘Nederlands’, not ‘Nederlandse’.
- kijetesantakalu li pona tawa mi >:3
- Thanks for doing this census, I’m interested to see the results!
- Toki Pona is such a beautiful language. I'm using it daily for fun and mindfulness practice. It's actually helping my mental health as well. Thank you!
- The Toki Pona community is fun so far! I hope you'll do great and that the community will grow larger so that I'll have more people to converse with...
- I wished you asked about number systems. Toki pona needs base10 counting or its completely impractical. One of the things holding this lang back.
- Im very flex with toki pona word order, sometines changing places of different arguments distinguishing them only with particles like li, e, tawa, kepeken etc and even ”en” as a generic subject marker, even if it was a bit of a joke by sonja lang
- I have the Complete Esperanto textbook, as I am planning to learn it in the near future. Also, I now kind of what to learn uwulang as a meme, because I just found out what that is and omg.
- Thank you, this was fun :)
- I would consume more toki pona content if it was easier to find
- Just started learning!
- sina pona li jan suwi :3
- It is difficult to assess whether you know a word "including its non-pu meanings" seeing as the amount of said non-pu meanings aren't specified. Suppose I know two meanings of "oko" and thus answer "know", but there are actually four others in common use that I have no idea exist. This may result in inaccurate data.
- You should ask about politics in the next census. I want to know common political beliefs in toki pona. Also like philosophical beliefs and stuff.
- Idk man I was extra stoned at a bar so maybe I said more than I needed to lmao
- A useful question would have been a general one addressing how open people are to using non-Pu words.
- I really would like to see a Duolingo or Babel level learning course for Toki Pona
- toki :^)
- Where are the questions about *wanting to learn* toki pona? I have been wanting to learn toki pona for maybe more than half a year by now, but I still have not had the time and/or motivation. I want to be able to write fiction in toki pona. There is a question about owning the 'official' books. I do not have them. But not because I do not want them, just because I cannot afford buying them yet.
- Toki pona sign languages are over simplified and thus hard to remember, so I am searching signs that are somewhat same in finnish, swedish or american sign language and adressing those to toki pona words to be able to speak that with my friend
- mi lon
- wile sona pi toki luka la mi wile ken pana e ni: mi sona ala e lon pi toki ni taso mi ken wile kama sona e ona
- mi o toki e ni: jan mute li lon kulupu pi toki pona. jan mute li sama. jan mute li ante. jan ale li sama ala. pilin mute li lon. nasin mute li lon. sona mute li lon. pilin en nasin en sona pi wan taso li lon ala. o ike ala tawa jan ante. o jaki ala tawa nasin ante. o len ala e sona ante. o pona taso. sina pona kin. ale li pona.
- remember to get a drink etc :)
- pona mute a!
- toki mi li ken nasa lili, mi sona lili e toki mute, li sona mute e toki mute, li wile sona e toki mute. ni ale la mi toki e nanpa "luka" tawa lipu wile nanpa wan.
- mi wile kama sona e toki Nijon. mi kama sona lon tomo sona. tomo sona la, sike suno nanpa tu.
- toki Manin - Gaelg - Manx, toki Alan - Gaeilge - Irish, toki Iwisi - Hebrew - עברית
- mi wile toki e toki Epelanto.
- tenpo pini la lipu ni li lon la mi lon kulupu pi toki pona, mi sona e toki pona. taso mi toki ala lon lipu ni.
- pana ken pi wile sona "sina pana ala pana e sona pi toki pona tawa jan ante?" la "lon" o lon ala o "pana"
- mi kulupu lawa
- lipu ni lon tenpo suno sike 2021 la mi sona ala e ni: mi pana ala pana e sona mi?
- taso la mi wile toki e palisa jelo tan musi. tenpo pini la palisa jelo ante li lon tawa ale. ona li palisa jelo Komite. suli tenpo sina li sama 25 la ken la mama mama sina li moku e palisa jelo ni. taso ike li kama tawa palisa jelo Komite. o sona e ni: tenpo suli la jan li kama ante e nasin kasi e nasin soweli tan ni: jan li wile kama e moku pona. ni la palisa jelo li kama ante li kama pakala lili lon ni: sike lili mama kasi li kama weka li lon ala kasi a! sike lili ni li kama e kasi sin. ken la insa pi palisa jelo la sina ken lukin e ni: ijo lili pimeja li lon. tenpo pini la ni ale li sike lili mama kasi li kama ala. ni la jan li wile e kasi sin pi palisa jelo la ona o pali ante o kama e kasi pi sama mama. ni la kasi ale pi palisa jelo li sama. taso ni li ken e jaki. jaki li ken ike tawa kasi wan la ona li ike tawa kasi ale kin a. tan ni la palisa jelo Komite li kama moli li weka. tenpo lon la palisa jelo Kawente li lon. ike la jaki sin li kama lon li alasa moli e palisa jelo ni sama palisa jelo Komite. taso utala li lon. jan pi pali kasi li alasa awen e kasi ona. jan sona li alasa ante e palisa jelo Kawente li wile kama e ken awen lon ona. ale la o sona e ni: palisa jelo li pona a 🍌
- wile mute
- lon.
- pali sina li pona pi mute a! sina wawa! pona tawa sina tan ni: sina pana e pona tawa kulupu pi toki pona.
- a a a lipu Pepu li seme? ona li lipu Facebook anu seme?
- ala :)
- sina sitelen suli e nimi pi toki pona sama "Toki Pona". ni li nasa lon toki pona. ante la, sina pona. pona tawa sina
- sina pali e ni la sina wawa a :)
- jan mute pi toki pona li pona ala li sona lili. ku li ike, pu li pona.
- toki Epelanto, toki Lasina, luka ASL
- mi wile sona e toki French.
- mi olin e soweli tawa meli, li olin mute e ko lete lupa ona.
- sina pona tan alasa sona
- mi sona ala e toki sin ante, taso mi wile kama sona e toki Epelanto e toki Losupan
- nasin sitelen la sitelen Kansi (Kanji/Hanzi) pi toki Sonko en toki Nipon li wile kama wan nasin ni: o anu e sitelen pi kon sama lon toki ale (toki pona, toki Nipon, toki Sonko).
- sina ale li epiku mute a!
- ala
- pali mi kepeken toki pona li lili. mi kama sona e lon pi toki pona tan sitelen tawa pi jan Misali. taso: kama sona nasin mi pi toki pona li tan jan Lope en jan ma pona pi toki pona.
- tenpo sike pini la, sina toki e ni: sina kepeken nimi jan anu ante? ni li ike tawa jan mute. tenpo lon la, sina toki e ni: sina kepeken nimi jan anu nimi ante? (sama ni: jan Mumumu, soweli Mumumu, ijo pi ike mute Mumumu, ante ante ante...) ni li pona mute!
- sitelen tawa Shinsekai Yori en jan Lenin li pona mute.
- sina pona a a!
- toki Nijon, toki Tosi, toki Wijosa
- mi ken toki pona a!!!!! !!! !!!!!
- mi pana e olin mi tawa ma toki pona VR. mi ken toki kepeken toki pona tan jan pona pi kulupu ni. jan pona mute li lon a!
- wile sona ni la nimi mute lili pi ijo tan toki pona ala li nasa lili tawa mi. wan la, tan seme la nasin Islam li nasin Silami li nasin Isilami ala? ijo ante ale li pona tawa mi
- toki a
- toki sin ante la, mi sona lili e toki Epelanto. mi toki lili kin. taso, mi ken ala toki e ni lon lipu. mi sona e ni: ni li lipu pi toki pona. ken la ni li lili.
- mi wile toki e ijo ante, taso, mi sona ala e toki pi wile mi. ni la, mi toki e ni taso.
- mi wile toki e toki Sonko
- wile sona sina la, mi pana e toki ni: mi sona e nasin pi sitelen pona. lon la, mi sona lili taso e sitelen pona. mi kama sona e ona. mi pana e toki pi lon ala tan ni: mi ken ala pana e toki lon.
- Soy bilingüe de nacimiento (castellano y catalán).
- En la primera pregunta de esta sección (¿En cuántas lenguas puede conversar con cierto grado de fluidez? (incluyendo toki pona)) no incluyo toki pona porque acabo de empezar a aprenderlo.
- Quisiera que hubiera un curso completo en español para principiantes
- We should make more toki pona songs T-T
- Ich liebe diese Sprache. Ich finde die Grammatik sehr einfach sowie die Wörter (es gibt viele Übersetzungen, aber das ist das Prinzip einer Sprache mit ~120 Wörtern, also ich werfe es nicht vor :)). Ich freue mich darauf, in dieser Sprache fließend zu werden.
- 없음
- mu
- I have done this this census more as a person fascinated by the toki pona and not someone actively learning
- 祝道本语社区越来越好!o wile e kulupu pi toki pona li klama pona mute!
- 希顶语真的不是人造“语言”啊。
- 希望未来可以有除了汉语、英语、道本语之外的其他语言的问卷(例如西班牙语)
- pona!
- kulipu pi toki pona li jo e lawa lili. ni li ike tawa mi. mi wile e lawa suli tawa kulupu ni. A, mi awen e tenpo pona.
- .e'o ko gasnu lonu cumki fa lonu spuda bau le jbobau (bonvolu provizi opcion por respondi en Loĵbano)
And that’s about it. I hope you had a great time reading the results. If you have any feedback, feel free to drop us an email.
Read this post if you are interested in a board game about language inspired by Toki Pona.